82. thursday, december 2016

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Matt burst into Jamie's house in London, making everyone jump. He stared at Alex, who looked tired. To everyone else, he had probably just had too much fun at Christmas parties and such but Matt knew the real reason.

"How was your Christmas in LA, Alex?" He asked, sitting down on a sofa. They all wondered why he hadn't said hello to any of them but they were soon about to find out.

"Fine. Thank you." Alex said sharply, avoiding eye contact. Jamie and Nick looked at each other, how could there be tension between the two of they hadn't seen each other long enough to create it.

"Luna enjoy herself, did she?" He asked. Alex snapped his head to face him, seemingly triggered by her name. Jamie raised his eyebrows.

"What's going on?" He asked. Alex looked like he was about to cry. His tone had shifted so suddenly, they all watched him with confusion.

"I was just wondering why Alex told us him and Luna were staying in LA over the holidays when I saw her in Sheffield, alone." He pressed, needing Alex to tell him.

Alex didn't want to say anything, knowing he would break down if he did. The space he had intended to give Luna had gotten too far and now he feared it was too late. He hadn't processed it yet and didn't intend to, considering he had just lost the love of his life. He couldn't allow himself to feel the pain of that as it would destroy him.

"What?" Nick asked, just as confused as Jamie.

"Were you in Sheffield and didn't tell us?" Jamie guessed. Alex shook his head, not looking at any of them. He knew pretending to be okay with them around would be hard but he didn't expect to have to tell them so soon.

"I fucked it." Was all he could say. Matt was somewhat relieved that he had decided to take the blame as he knew his stubbornness would get in the way if he put it on Luna.

"With Luna?" Nick wondered. "How comes?" Alex took a deep breath, wiping a few tears away and taking a swig of beer.

"It's complicated but she got...jealous and I exploded on her. I gave her some space which was meant to be for like a week or sommat but now it's been weeks and I'm too afraid to face her." He managed to hold himself together long enough to say it. Throwing himself back against the sofa, tears pricked in his eyes again.

"So you didn't turn up for Christmas?" Jamie questioned. "Bit harsh."

"Thank you Jamie. I realise that." he said coldly.

"Alright alright." Matt broke it up between the lot of them. "I think by now we realise that Alex sometimes doesn't make the smartest decisions around Luna and we can't stop that sometimes. What we can do is help him out of it." Matt suggested.

Alex looked up from his vegetative state, surprised that they were going to help. Matt's way was always to accept the punishment given so he assumed he would force Alex to accept the break up as a punishment of his wrongdoing.

"If I face her, she'll end it for good." He sighed, trying to hold back the tears.

"You don't know that Al." Nick pitied him.

"Would you rather be in this limbo for the rest of your life, avoiding her so she can't break up with you?" Matt raised his eyebrows. Alex didn't look at any of them, clearly sulking.

"Or fight for the girl you love!" Jamie burst heroically. Alex turned his head to his friends and nodded.

"So, suggestions people. How is Alex fucking Turner going to get his girl back?" Matt asked, sitting next to him so they could hatch a plan.

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