26. thursday, august 2005

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Alex stared at his A level results in disbelief. He had passed them all but he wasn't going to use any of them. Arctic Monkeys had just been offered a record deal, they were already playing sold out shows in Sheffield, Manchester and Liverpool.

Luna had spent the rest of her college life with her aunt in Manchester. She joined a school there and got all A's in her A levels. After realising the only thing she was good at and liked enough was baking, she decided to go to a culinary college that specialised in it.

When Harry had told Alex that's what she was doing, he applied to Manchester university immediately. He had got in but then the record deal came through and obviously he couldn't turn it down.

He walked from his house to Joanna's, his girlfriend for over a year now. The only thing he had to do was tell her that they were moving to London to record their debut album and he didn't know how she was going to take it. She was going to Liverpool for university so they wouldn't see her that much.

His heart was hurting at the sense of impending doom. She was going to be disappointed in him that he didn't tell her sooner. He spoke to his mum about what he should do and she advised him to rip the bandaid off before anyone gets hurt.

"Hey babe." He smiled, kissing her hello as she moved aside to let him in.

"Happy with your results?" She asked. He nodded. "Not that you need them, you're a rockstar now" She teased.

"About that. We need to talk." He hadn't phrased it well to start with. Joanna raised her eyebrows slightly in anticipation and/or shock.

"About what?" She asked, walking into the living room.

"Well, Jo. The band is...um...moving to London to...um...record our debut album." He avoided eye contact completely.

"Oh. Did you just find this out?" She asked rather understandingly. Alex brought his hand to the back of his neck and scratched it.

"Well...no." He said to the floor. She shifted her body language so she was crossing her arms, preparing for a fight.

"When did you find this out?" She wondered. Alex sighed awkwardly.

"Does it matter, Jo?" He didn't feel like talking about this detail. He just wanted to know what they were going to do.

"Well, when are you leaving?" She asked. He groaned slightly and looked anywhere else other than her. His feet shuffled in place and he couldn't stop touching his hair.

"Friday" he said quietly.

"Friday!" She repeated loudly. "Alex it's fucking Thursday!" She yelled.

"I know I know. I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you." He bit his lip, finally meeting her eyes. They looked so sad he couldn't take it.

"I don't mind, Alex. We could've figured out what to do if you even want to figure it out. It seems like you've left it to the last minute so you can fuck off the next day." She yelled. Alex winced at her raised voice.

"I'm sorry, Jo. I didn't know what to do. I don't want to live four hours away from you." He replied honestly.

"I get it. It's fine. You want to live your new lifestyle: touring the world, shagging models, I get it that I'm your old life and you're old life behind now. You should've had the fucking balls to tell me sooner though." She screamed angrily.

Someone banged on her front door, interrupting their argument. Joanna was too heated to answer so she just screamed "fuck off!" at the door. Alex's eyes widened, she was very angry.

"Joanna" he said in a low voice.

"Just break up with me, Alex. Accept it's not going to work, be a man and break up with me." Her eyes started to water and his heart felt like someone was stabbing it repeatedly.

"Jo..." he started. She burst into tears and he couldn't continue. "I'm so sorry, Jo." He gave in. "I'm so sorry I don't know what to do." He crumbled.

"Just go, Alex. The space will do us good. I hope you have a nice life and become successful or whatever." She tried to hide her face so he couldn't see her cry.

"Joanna, I'm sorry." He said again.

"I know. Just go, please." She turned away from him, wiping her eyes. He stayed for a moment before turning around and walking out of 505 Crescent street.

Alex couldn't believe it, his first relationship was over. He didn't want to go home yet, his whole room was packed up ready for tomorrow. He just wanted to wallow in his sadness for a bit and say goodbye to Sheffield.

He had had such an amazing time in college. Despite getting his heartbroken when Luna left, he had fallen in love and met his best mates. Now, he got to write music with them and tour around the country doing what he loves. The moment was bittersweet. His heart was now broken for the second time.

There wasn't a day that he hadn't thought about Luna. He tried to get information from Harry about how she was but he rarely gave anything of interest. Harry was trying to protect Alex's feelings by not telling him how Luna was.

She settled well in her new college and made friends fast. She was never going to be without friends, she was too outgoing. Men were not a thing for her, she didn't date anyone else during college and wasn't planning to for a while.

There wasn't a day she didn't think about High Green and everyone she left behind. Bridges were burnt with her sister. She came to visit her once to try and sort it out, from her mother's request. Julia wanted her daughter home desperately but Luna was not coming as long as her sister was there.

"Ready mate?" Matt asked Alex as he returned home. He was sat on their wall, smoking a cigarette. They had all taken it up now much to their mother's dismay.

"As I'll ever be. Just broke up with Joanna." He told him. Matt's eyes widened.

"Oh shit no way. Because of London?" He wondered. Alex shrugged, running a hand through his hair.

"Partly." He replied. "Partly because I didn't tell her until today." He confessed. Matt couldn't help himself, he burst out laughing.

"Jesus Christ, Al! How've you kept that one from her?" He asked. Alex nodded as he laughed.

"Not my best decision but I didn't know what else to do." He sighed. Matt put his arm around him and patted his shoulder.

"You alright?" He asked. Alex didn't know what to say.

"Will be eventually." He sighed.

"Write a bunch of songs about it. Put your energy into our music." He suggested. Alex nodded, chewing his lip with frustration.

"Yeah I guess so." He replied. "I should go talk it out with my mum and then get my stuff together. We're going to the pub tonight yeah?" He asked as he jumped off the wall.

"Course. Have to say a proper yorkshire goodbye to High Green." He smiled. Alex kissed his hand and held it to the sky.

"Arctic Monkeys, gone but not forgotten." He joked. Matt chuckled.

"They better not fucking forget us. We're the most fantastic band in the whole world." He replied. Alex held up his hand and they high fived.

"Alright, mate. See you later."

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