38. saturday, august 2012

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It was nine am. Luna was where she was every night at nine am on a Saturday morning, in bed asleep. It had been six months since she had last seen or heard from Alex and she was starting to get over it.

That was, until her phone went off. She ignored it when it woke her up but when it would stop vibrating she had to answer it.

"Hello?" She answered, croakily. A small gasp appeared on the other end. She looked at the caller ID but it just showed a number. "Hello?" She said again. "Who is this?" Then a small cry appeared.

"Luuuuuu" a familiar voice dragged down the phone. "Lunaaaa" it moaned as if it were in pain. Luna didn't know what to do or say.

"Alex...why are you calling me?" She asked. Then it occurred to her that he was in America, what time would it be there for them?

"I miss you." He groaned as if someone had punched him in the gut. Luna sat up and pulled at her messy hair.

"Where are you?" She asked, trying to figure out whether he was drunk or hurt. Another moan appeared.

"Nashville, Tennessee." He slurred. "It's pretty fucking boring out here." There was a thump and another sigh. "I just fell on the floor." He confessed. Luna put her phone on speaker so she could google what time it was there, it was 3am.

"Alexander, you're pissed." She pointed out. "And you're going to regret this phone call in the morning." She added.

"I just wanted to hear your voice." He sighed. "I miss your voice" he sounded defeated. "And your hair...and your smell...and your teeth." He listed.

"Okay, Alex. Are you at home?" She asked, not having much patience for him.

"Yes." He answered.

"Okay. Go to sleep. You need to sleep it off." She advised. There was a small groan.

"Will you still be here in the morning?" He asked. Luna didn't quite know what he meant. "Can I call you?" She took a deep breath.

"That's not a good idea. You have a girlfriend now, you should call her." It pained Luna to say this but she felt like she needed to remind him. A whimper sounded through the phone.

"I just keep missing you." He sounded like he might be crying. Luna couldn't handle that.

"Alex please close your eyes and go to sleep." She begged.

"Okay. Goodnight, Luna. I miss you." He spoke innocently. She sighed.

"Sweet dreams, Tennessee." She replied before hanging up. She stared at the number, this was Alex's number, before blocking it with a swift click.

Matt found Alex the next morning, curled up on the floor with his phone beside him. He sighed and took his phone, looking to see if he had made any drunk mistakes he would need to sort out. He half expected to see ex's names or something but what he saw instead was the name 'Luna'. That was a blast from the past. He pressed the call button out of curiosity.

It rang once and then went to voicemail. She's blocked his number. Why would she block his number?

"Al." He kicked him, earning a groan.

"Why did you call Luna Temple last night?" He wondered as if best friend groaned at the daylight, clearly hungover.

Matt's words registered in Alex's mind and then he remembered. He felt like punching a wall but he couldn't let Matt know, he didn't know what had happened between them.

"I don't know, guess I was feeling nostalgic?" He lied, rubbing his face as he sat up. "I don't remember." He lied again. Matt let out a laugh.

"Well whatever you said clearly pissed her off. She's blocked you, mate." He threw him the phone but it felt like he had just shot him. Alex stared at the phone in shock. She had blocked him.

"I need to buy a new phone." He said, his heart aching.

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