97. monday, july 2018

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Jen had organised for herself, Luna, and Katie to go wedding dress shopping. Luna hadn't told Alex where she was going yet. She didn't quite know why, maybe because they hadn't discussed any plans for the wedding so it felt odd to suddenly go and look for a dress.

"What time is Jen coming?" He asked as he entered the living room. Alex was going out with Matt while he was still in London just to keep him distracted from the divorce.

"What time is it?" She looked at her phone. "Eleven thirty, she should be here in half an hour" She answered. "What time are you going out with Matt?" She wondered.

"One" He answered, sitting next to her on the sofa and wrapping his arm around her. She put her phone away and placed her hand on his face to pull him in for a quick kiss. "What are you girls doing?" Luna looked away from him and he pulled a face but still waited for an answer.

"We may or may not be looking at wedding dresses" She said timidly. She watched Alex's eyebrows raise but he didn't appear uncomfortable or mad. Alex hadn't of expected it of course but his emotions weren't drawn to the negative side.

"That's...good? It's definitely a start" He replied after a while. He wasn't quite sure how to reply, it was the first time they had really spoken about a wedding rather than the marriage afterwards. "Is that something you have been thinking about?" He wondered.

"I mean, I've been thinking about it since you proposed to me which was a very long time ago now." She laughed awkwardly. "I'm obviously not worried about it, like, I know it'll happen eventually but I would like to be prepared when it does happen" Alex stared at her with a smile on his face.

"I assumed that when I proposed we would be engaged for a while since we had so many big things happening and since we had been apart for a while" He explained. "I also assumed you would tell me when you were ready to start planning" He added. She threw her legs over his and he pulled her onto his lap.

"Well, I am ready" She told him. He broke out into a smile but knew that something else was coming "But," She started "It's going to be hard to do that when you go on tour next month" She pointed out. Alex nodded, playing with her ring on her finger.

"Okay, well, what about this. You plan as much as you can or as much as you want to. I will be involved as much as you want me to but as soon as I finish touring, we get married." He proposed. Luna grinned widely, she hadn't realised how much she wanted to get married until he had started talking about it.

"I want you to be involved though, like a lot" She pointed out.

"Just call me or text me decisions you want my input on. Except, the venue, I want to be there to look at them so we have to do that when I'm here" He requested. She put out her hand for a hand shake to seal the deal and he took it.

"Okay, we'll get married when you're back from tour. When's that?" She asked, "So I know my time frame"

"June next year" He answered. Luna nodded, bringing her lips to his and humming against them in content.

"Summer wedding" She winked. He chuckled and nodded, kissing her a few more times. His hand moved to her stomach and he gave it a light squeeze

"And then we just pop those kids out straight away" He teased, she burst out laughing.

"Do you not want to enjoy being married first?" She asked. He knew that Luna would be worrying over whether it would be easy for them to have kids, considering she was in her thirties now. He just wanted her to have everything she wanted.

"I've known you since I was sixteen. I've had fifteen years to enjoy you whether I've taken that for granted or not. Now, I want little versions of us and I want our best chance of that" He explained. Luna kissed him again, putting as much love and passion as possible into it to show him how much she appreciated what he was saying.

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