36. saturday, march 2012

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She couldn't believe she was here. Why was she doing this to herself? She didn't even know the songs.

Luna stood at the back, able to see them without having the small chance that they could see her. Not that anything would happen but she just couldn't bare the thought.

Then they walked out and the crowd went wild. Luna thought she was going to throw up when Alex walked on stage with a bright smile. She had never seen him on stage before, this was going to be an experience.

"Hello, London!" He said with his deep voice. "We're Arctic Monkeys." He said before they broke into a heavy fast paced song.

"Brian." He sang.

Luna's heart dropped.

"Top marks for not trying
So kind of you to bless us
With your effortlessness
We're grateful and so strangely comforted
And I wonder
Are you putting us under
'Cause we can't take our eyes
Off the t-shirt and ties combination?"

Her eyes started to water.

Well, see you later, innovator
Some want to kiss, some want to kick you
There's not a net you couldn't slip through
Or at least that's the impression I get
'Cause you're smooth, and you're wet
And she's not aware yet
But she's yours

She couldn't handle it, she pushed past a few people and started to run.

"She'll be saying, "use me
Show me the jacuzzi"
I imagine that it's there on a plate
Your whole rendezvous rate
Means that you'll never be frightened
To make them wait for a while
I doubt it's your style
Not to get what you set
Out to acquire, the eyes are on fire
You are the unforecasted storm
calm, collected and commanding
(Top marks for not trying)
You leave the other stories standing
With your renditions and jokes
Bet there's hundreds of blokes
That have wept 'cause you've stolen their
Are you putting us under
'Cause we can't take our eyes
Off the t-shirt and ties combination?
Well, see you later, innovator"

Luna couldn't believe Alex had written a song about Brian. Her chest hurt, her eyes were stinging and her lungs were rapidly vibrating.

Luna walked out of venue and towards the bar. She was so close she could practically taste the beer when someone knocked into her.

"Oh!" They both said at the same time. She looked at the woman and squinted her eyes, she looked so familiar.

"It's you!" The woman beamed. Luna's eyes widened and she looked around to see if she was talking about someone else.

"Sorry, I don't think we've met before." Luna said politely, really badly wanted a beer.

"No no, of course not sorry. I'm Alexa." She put out her hand. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"Luna." She took her hand, watching this beautiful woman grin at her.

"I'm guessing you're here to watch Alex." She said as she shook her hand. Luna pulled her hand away slowly, never having experienced this level of awkward before.

"Have we met before?" Luna asked, wondering how this woman knew her. Alexa's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, sorry! I must sound like such a nutcase!" She laughed. "I'm Alex's ex-girlfriend." She said as if that resolved anything at all. "You own the bakery, don't you?" Luna's heart dropped.

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