73. tuesday morning, september 2016

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It had just hit midnight when they got home. Alex ran over to the sofa and collapsed onto it, letting out a deep sigh. He hadn't been home since he had landed, all his stuff was at his mums hotel which he would have to pick up at some point.

"Tired?" Luna asked, slipping off her shoes and jogging over to him and landing on top of him with a thud.

"Nope." He grinned up at her. She rested her head on his shoulder and they laid there for a moment just lavishing in each other's presence. Luna let her legs spread around his body, clutching him like a koala. "I just wanna stay here forever." He sighed.

Luna put her left hand in his hair as she was resting on his left shoulder. She became restless after a while and started to kiss his neck softly. For a moment she thought he had fallen asleep but then he let out a soft moan and turned his head to face her.

They both let out lengthy breaths out of their noses as their lips met. Alex tried to hold back his smile to avoid colliding teeth while he tangled his hand in her hair and grinded his body against hers.

Luna wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him as close as possible as his tongue practically fought its way around her mouth. She let out a small moan, throwing her leg over him and grinding her hips back.

They pushed against each other, trying to role one another over but there wasn't enough room on either side. Alex pulled away and picked her up like she weighed nothing, carrying her quickly up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Their bed was neatly made but soon became an airy mess as Luna landed on it. Alex took off his top and threw it dramatically across the room, making Luna giggle. She sat up and pulled her top off. He met her lips while she was sat up and crawled on top of her.

"Fuck, I missed you." He mumbled against her lips, unhooking her bra with a quick flick. She let out a sigh as his lips connected with her skin, nibbling and sucking at the skin to leave marks to remember him by when he left.

Her hips pushed against his but his pushed back and practically buried her body into the mattress. She let out a whine at the friction and buried her nails into his neck skin.

Wrinkles appeared on his forehead as he hummed into the kiss, pulling away and marvelling in her body laid down in front of him. She threw her hands back and closed her eyes as he kissed all the way down, leaving rough kisses along her body.

He reached her waist, where her leather trousers were and looked up at her. Slowly, he unbuttoned the trousers and let out a moan.

"I like these." He spoke slow and seductively. Luna tilted her head and watched him smile as he took them off. "Off." He finished.

Her hips lifted as he kissed along her bare thighs and over the top of her lace underwear. She silently thanked god that she had worn nice underwear and not the granny undies she had been wearing while he was away.

"Kiss me, Alex." She sighed. Her words excited him a bit too much, he grabbed her underwear by his teeth and ripped them off. Luna sat up at the sound and gasped. "I said kiss me, Alex not rip me to shreds." She scolded. He chuckled and kissed her lips softly.

"Sorry baby." He smirked but he wasn't sorry at all. He held the smirk as he travelled back down and kissed along her pubic bone. She laid back down with a huff but her mouth soon opened as his tongue started working its magic. A gasp left her mouth, melting away any agitations about her underwear.

He hummed against her skin, sending shocks through her nerves. She squirmed, tossing her head from side to side and letting her arms writhe above her.

Her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks, a sharp ache collected in the pit of her stomach as she pushed her hips up and let out a cry. Alex removed his mouth from her and wiped his lips quickly.

He pulled back as she laid in a breathless mess below him, he undid his trousers and yanked them down. The sight of his girlfriend at that moment was almost too much to handle.

Lining himself up, she had her eyes closed as she awaited the feeling of him inside her.

"Look at me." Alex demanded. Her eyes opened and he entered her quickly, her pupils widened and arms flew forwards to wrap around his neck.

She pulled his body close to hers as he thrusted on top of her and moved their bodies in sync. Without warning, he picked up the pace which lead to her digging her nails deep in his back. His head lifted to make eye contact with her, driving her insane.

"I love you." She cried as he pounded her senseless.

Hours later, Luna woke up with a sudden jolt as if she had just fallen. Alex had really done a number on her, her whole body ached. She smiled to herself and rolled over to see if she could start another round. Except, he wasn't there.

She pulled herself out of bed and put on her dressing gown. Creeping out of their bedroom, she tried to hear any movements to find out where he was. It wasn't until she was walking down the stairs when she heard someone scrunching paper.

"Hey, you're still up?" Luna asked as she walked down the stairs to see Alex sat on the sofa with papers everywhere and his guitar propped up on him.

"I have to figure out this chorus." He muttered. Luna bit her lip and walked slowly towards him. The papers had endless scribbles on them.

"Why don't you come to bed and continue in the morning?" She suggested. Alex ignored her and continued to write words on paper. "Alex...do you think maybe after this you should take a break?" She asked. His head snapped up.

"What?" He asked aggressively. She took a step back.

"I'm just saying, the rest of the monkeys are having a rest while you're taking up other projects: the puppets and now Alexandra. Don't you think you deserve a rest before jumping back into writing?" She explained. Alex squinted his eyes at her.

"Don't tell me what I deserve." He hissed. Her eyes widened.

"I wasn't-"

"Yes you were." He cut her off. "I have a work ethic, Luna. I can't just stop writing songs, I would go insane." He pointed out. She looked at the mess he had made in her living room.

"This is sanity?" She asked quietly.

"If you're gonna fucking judge me then you can fuck off" he snapped. Her mouth opened in shock and her blood boiled.

"Excuse me?" She threw back at him.

"You heard me. I don't need your judgement right now under my own roof." His words were spiteful and stung more than she expected.

"Under your own roof? What is wrong with you?" She wondered. Alex had never snapped at her like this.

"This is my job, Luna. If you can't handle it then fuck off." He waved her off. Luna tried not to cry. She went to reply but that's when she noticed the bottle of whisky on the table.  It didn't excuse it but it made a lot more sense.

"Fine." She turned around and walked back into their bedroom. Pulling a bag out of her wardrobe, she threw random clothes in it and pulled on a jumper and leggings.

She walked back downstairs and Alex watched, noticing the bag. A sudden panic hit him as he saw her put on her shoes.

"Where are you going?" He stood up, letting papers fly everywhere.

"I'm fucking off to allow your creative process." She hissed bitterly. He walked powerfully towards her but she opened the door before he got to her.

"Luna!" He shouted, making her jump.

"Call me when you can handle your alcohol." She replied, slamming the door behind her as he reached for her.

He opened the door and followed her only wearing sweatpants.

"Luna!" He yelled after her. "Luna!" He repeated. She got in her car and tried not to look at him as he followed.

"Drink some water, Alex!" She yelled back.

"Luna! Wait! Don't leave! Wait!" He yelled as she reversed out of their driveway, leaving him shirtless and barefoot outside their house.

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