15. saturday, november 2003

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Luna arrived late, hoping that no one would notice as she slid behind the counter to Alex, who was sorting out records.

"What's up Mardy Bum?" She said in his ear, making him jump. He faced her and gave her a lopsided smile. She was fifteen minutes late and she didn't know that they were the longest fifteen minutes of Alex's life.

"Y'alright?" He asked. She nodded, taking her coat off and shoving it under the desk.

"D'ya think I got away with it?" She nudged him, he shrugged but looked up to see their boss making his way down the stairs. Luna hadn't noticed yet as she looked at the rota to see what she was doing today.

"We'll soon find out." He nudged back. Luna looked up to see Victor walking towards them. She sighed.

"I'm in trouble again, aren't I Vic?" She didn't seem to be that worried. Alex would be bricking it.

"Come to my office, Luna." Victor sighed. She turned to Alex as Victor walked back to the office.

"Thought as much." She shook her head. "Wish me luck, Al." She walked around with such confidence, Alex didn't say anything he just watched her tiny body step in time to the record playing as she walked to the office.

Alex tapped his pencil on the counter, deep in thought as he waited for her to return. It was the way her accent made her words sound, they just sounded so poetic.

She returned not long after, looking unaffected by what had just occurred. Alex bit his lip, writing some things down on a scrappy piece of paper before he forget.

"What ya doing, Alexander?" She peered over his shoulder. He shrugged.

"Just had a thought for a song." He replied honestly. There was no point lying, she was going to hear it anyway.

"Well, come on then. Let's hear it." She pulled herself up to sit on the counter and waited. He leant against the other side and cleared his throat.

"Well now then Mardy Bum, I'm in trouble again...aren't I? I thought as much." He sang. She laughed, not taking him seriously.

"You can't just sing whatever I say." She shook her head as she climbed off the counter. He ripped the paper out from the pad and shoved it in his pocket for later.

"Where else am I meant to get inspiration?" He wondered. Luna put on a stroked record, Alex didn't object.

"Get a girlfriend. Get your heartbroken. Do some drugs. I dunno, pretend to be a rockstar and see where it gets you." She shrugged. "Start a band." She nudged him.

"What so my lyrics will be: 'I've started this band...now what? I just wanted to be one of the strokes, now look at what you've done" he sang playfully. Luna chuckled, loving his sense of humour.

"Don't be a fake fan of them, Alex. You have to actually get into them." She advised. Victor came out of his office and walked towards them.

"I need you to go and get these records from the stockroom" he said to Luna. She nodded obediently before turning to Alex and rolling her eyes. He smiled and watched as she danced her way to the stockroom.

Then, a customer entered.

"Alex, take care of this customer will you?" Victor raised his eyebrows to him and he nodded. Alex turned around to greet the customer but all he saw was Matt. He bit his lip as he walked towards him.

alexander- a.tOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora