30. friday, october 2011

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Alex spent a lot of the time he was in Sheffield around the bakery. He didn't want to stalk Luna but wanted to see her again. He had so much to tell her that he didn't have a chance to. She had organised for the two of them to meet Harry in a pub while he was visiting for the weekend.

"Hello there, Alex." Carla beamed as he walked in at closing time. Luna walked out, her coat on. She had a long material trench coat that covered her outfit but you could still see her black boots underneath.

"Hey, Carla." He smiled. "Ready?" He asked Luna. She pulled her hair out from her coat and nodded.

"Yeah, the question is are you ready Mr Turner to see Harry Temple for the first time in what? Five years?" She grinned. Luna was just as excited to see Harry as he now lived in London.

"Beyond ready Miss Temple." He held out his arm and she held onto it.

"Thanks for closing up, Carla." She smiled at her friend. Carla just waved as they walked out.

"Have fun!" She called.

"Oh, Alex. I'm so happy that you're here when Harry is. He's changed, haven't we all? But he's still the same cheeky boy as before. Just like you." She nudged him, the excitement clear in her voice.

Alex was excited to see Harry, of course. But, he was more excited to spend time with Luna. She radiated the energy he craved.

They entered a pub that Alex had never been to, he had only known the hellcat back in his day. This pub was renowned for its strict no underage drinking policy so the lads never went there.

"Harry!" Luna burst, letting go of Alex's arm. Alex looked to where she was walking to and watched a tall man stand up with a smile on his face.

Harry had grown about six inches and accumulated a big build of muscle around his arms and legs. His hair was curly, slightly darker than when he was a teenager and his face had grown a five o'clock shadow.

He wrapped his arms around Luna and Alex finally saw the resemblance. As Harry got older, he and Luna looked a lot more alike. Harry's eyes met his and lit up.

"Alex Turner? The Alex Turner?" He questioned. Alex grinned, walking towards him with open arms. They embraced briefly before Harry held Alex in front of him to her a good look.

"How've you been Harry?" He asked. Harry stared at him as if he couldn't believe it.

"I'm fantastic. How are you?" He responded, looking genuinely pleased to be in his company. That was new.

"I'm good." He replied, a wide smile on his face. His eyes flickered to Luna, seeing them together again brought back feelings he'd thought he'd forgotten he could feel.

"Drinks?" She suggested. Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her head.

"Nice to see you too, Lu." He chuckled. She laughed, pushing him off gently. "I'll get them. Beer, Al?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks." He nodded.

"Vodka and Coke for you?" He turned to Luna. She nodded and Harry swiftly walked over to the bar. Alex sat at the table and Luna followed suit.

"He looks like a proper man." Alex pointed out. Luna laughed as they both watched Harry at the bar.

"He matured after becoming a big London boss man." She explained. Alex turned his head to face her but she kept hers facing Harry.

He admired her face, how it had changed when she felt different emotions. If you looked closely you could see every thought written across her skin. She had grown into her face, it was now more defined along her jawline and cheekbones. Alex couldn't believe that in seven years she had become so beautiful. He also couldn't believe that he had missed out on so much of her life.

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