17. friday, december 2003

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Walking into Joanna's party on Friday night wasn't as hard for Alex as he had first thought it was going to be. Matt walked in along side him, prepping him to talk to Joanna.

It was the usual thing, drunk teenagers everywhere trying to get off with one another. The occasional dancer but they would be most likely grinding against whomever they wanted to get off with.

Then there was the ones in the kitchen, just wanting to seem cool by staying away from the music and chatting with one another about how cool and different they are while they wait for their friends to finish their fags outside.

Alex walked into the kitchen with no intention of staying there, he knew his friends would be outside. He grabbed two beers from the giant pot sat on the kitchen island and followed Matt through the back door.

They saw Jamie first with a cigarette in his mouth, stood next to him was Nick and Brian. Matt hit their hands playfully and Alex nodded his head graciously to them.

"Well, this is fun a'int it?" Brian scoffed, clearly not enjoying himself. Alex raised an eyebrow of him, not nearly as afraid of him as he used to be. Not that he ever would but if Brian tried anything he could always pull out that he had kissed his girlfriend.

"How long you been here?" He asked. Brian looked at him with pure disgust behind his eyes.

"Too long. Luna wanted to get here to help set up and for some reason I had to come with." He shook his head in discontentment.

"Where's she then?" Matt asked for Alex. Brian shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine. She ran off not long ago." He didn't seem too bothered about the fact that his girlfriend was no where to be seen.

"The party has arrived!" A voice yelled. Alex turned around to see Miles walking towards them, sunglasses on at night, arms up in the air with one hand clutching a bottle of what looked like tequila. Alex broke out into a grin.

"Miles!" He beamed. Miles wrapped an arm around him, waving the bottle in front of his face.

"We are gonna get fucked!" He yelled, learning down to Alex's ear. "In both of senses of the word." He winked. Alex gulped.

"I'm gonna need a lot of that then." He laughed, clutching the tequila. The others laughed at Miles' presence, he just seemed to bring joy.

"Harry here?" Matt asked. Miles grinned.

"Yeah yeah. He's just finding Luna, she called him to bring her something." He shrugged. Alex looked behind him into the house to try and see if he could see her.

"Al?" Someone snapped him back towards them. Jamie was holding up a cigarette to him. He shrugged, taking it and letting Jamie light it for him. No one said anything around him as they watched him put it in his mouth and breathed in. He didn't like the taste so he gulped his beer afterwards.

"Bit cold out here, don't ya think?" Miles wondered. "I mean this is a Christmas party, why are we outside?" He asked. They all stared at him.

"Bunch of pricks inside" Brian answered and everyone accepted it.

"Come on! Let's get totally wired!" Miles screamed, ignoring Brian's comment. Brian glared at him as he stole all his friends.

They all followed Miles inside and into the living room. It was a nice house but it had the same layout as every other house in High Green. Alex sat in an arm chair and drank his beer while Miles poured shots for them all.

"Hey guys." A voice said from the door. Alex looked up to see Luna, dressed in a tight short black dress and Joanna, who wore the same dress but in red and Kate who wore it in white.

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