95. saturday, june 2017

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Luna sat in her new office. The party was about to start, people should be arriving at any minute. Alex was walking around the room, admiring every detail she had added to the office.

One thing he did like and spent a generous amount of time looking at was a photo collage that Jen had made her as a opening present. It had photos of them in Paris, photos of Alex and Luna from when they first started dating and somehow she had accumulated photos of the bakery up in Sheffield. Luna cried significantly when she received it but Alex hadn't seen it yet.

"Wow this brings back some memories." He chuckled, pointing at some photos. Luna watched him look at the photos and pushed herself up from the chair. His eyes met hers as she approached him.

"I miss Paris." She sighed.

Alex stood behind Luna with his arms around her. They both looked at the photos and Alex pointed at one photo that he adored, one of them looking at each other in the bar they went to with Miles and Jen. Then a thought came to his head and he squeezed her tightly.

"Shall we get married there?" He wondered. Luna stared at the photos but couldn't help but crack a smile. They hadn't spoken about getting married yet, there was too much going on.

"Okay." She agreed. He kissed her cheek, releasing a giggle from her.

"Alex Turner, did we just make our first wedding plan?" She teased, leaning to the right so she could see his face. He looked up as if he were thinking hard.

"I think we did Luna Temple." He finally said. She chuckled at his silly voice and brought herself back to standing in front of him.

His head buried in her neck and his lips attached, making her feel like a million pounds. She titled her head to the side and allowed him to continue gripping her tightly and moving his lips on her neck.

"Alex." She giggled. "We should probably go downstairs. People will be arriving." Alex didn't want to go yet, he didn't want to socialise, he was too busy enjoying her company.

"I'm just so proud." He sighed against her skin. His hands started to roam. His fingers brushed in between her bare legs before roaming up her thighs.

"Alex." She whined as he sucked on her skin. His fingers tickled in between her legs before pushing her underwear to the side and running his hand across what he found. Luna let out a moan, making him smile against his skin.

"Shhh." He whispered, dragging his tongue along her neck and up behind her ear. She whined and grinded against his hand as he dragged his fingers against her. Her hand flew up and wrapped around his neck, his hand moved faster against her.

Luna threw her head back against his neck and cried out a whine. Her cheeks flushed as she thought about where they were. The volume made Alex chuckle against her but he needed her to finish now so no one came looking for her.

He growled against her, moving his hand as fast as he could against her as she squirmed and writhed against him. His words brought that feeling to the pit of her stomach before she gripped his neck tightly and cried out his name. He smirked at the sight of her coming undone against him.

She released herself from his grasp and put a hand up against the wall to steady herself. Alex wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, steadying her with his hand before kissing her gently.

"Come on, lets go and show everyone how amazing you are." He beamed. Luna brought her hands to her hair and panicked over what she must look like now that Alex had just done that. "Stop" he put his hands over hers.

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