10. 31st october 2003

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Anxiety started to creep in as Alex walked into the party. All the girls were dressed in basically nothing and they all looked at Alex as he walked by, they probably didn't know who he was.

Matt and Jamie were getting compliments left right and centre on their outfits. Alex left their side and went to find a drink, he had never been to Kate's house before so he didn't quite know where to go.

"Alexander!" He heard a familiar voice yell. He smirked as he turned around, finding Luna with her hair up in tight curls and feathers laced through it. She had a short black dress on with fringe all down it. A long necklace of pearls was wrapped around her neck and around her wrist. She was a 20's flapper.

"Luna, you look great." He beamed, she looked down at him and handed him a beer.

"And you look fit as fuck. Nice jacket." She gawked, squeezing his arm. He grinned, mission complete. Taking the beer, he tried not to look too pleased.

"Thanks." He smiled, sipping his beer. Before he knew it, her hand was touching his hair. He gulped, his confidence gone completely as she touched him.

"You suit it." She smirked, taking her hand away from his hair. "Where's Matt and Jamie? I heard their outfits were amazing." She looked around and spotted them. Alex followed her to find them, she screamed when she saw what they were wearing. "You guys! You look great!" She screamed, Matt wrapped an arm around her and laughed as Jamie thanked her.

"Looking good, Turner." Joanna's voice appeared next to him. He looked down at her and gave a small smile.

"Thanks." He examined her outfit, she was a cat.

"You look...realistic." He decided but it came out wrong. Matt closed his eyes in disappointment. Joanna stared at him and raised her eyebrows.

"Thanks? I think." She muttered before walking away. Luna started laughing, he turned to her with a smirk as he knew she was about to take the piss.

"Oh Alexander, that was tragic." She pitied. He took in a deep breath and shrugged. Luna felt a small sense of pride that he could easily compliment her and struggled with anyone else.

"I'm useless, you know that." He sighed. Luna rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I do. Come on we're playing beer pong." She linked her arm with his and led him and the others outside. Alex just went where he was told.

Brian was outside with Andy, beers in hand as they chatted about something boring probably. Luna let go of Alex and skipped over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him forcefully. Alex looked away.

"Right, it's me and Alex against Matt and Jamie." She yelled after Brian refused to play. They set up the game.

Matt threw his ball over the net and it missed. Everyone yelled out but then it was Alex's turn. He threw it and it went in. Luna squealed and squeezed his arm. Alex could feel eyes burning the back of his head but ignored it, he wasn't doing anything wrong.

Jamie threw his ball but it landed in Luna's cup, she drank it like a champ and then it was her turn; she got one in as well. Matt made Alex drink four cups while Luna and Jamie kept missing after that. Matt drank a few cups as well. It ended not long after and Alex's eyes went a bit fuzzy. Jamie and Matt won in the end. Luna let out a shiver as a strong wind flew the garden.

"Do you want my jacket?" Alex asked without thinking. Brian's head snapped up, sending fear through Alex. He had forgot he was within ear range.

"She's fine but thanks mate." Brian answered for her. Alex looked at Luna, who looked offended.

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