72. monday, september 2016

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Luna sat at their kitchen table with her laptop in front of her, making plans for her bakery's website and replying to e-mails when her phone started ringing.

Mother, it read.

"Hey mam." She answered, placing the phone down on the table and putting it on speaker so she could do her work at the same time.

"Hello darling. Fancy going out for dinner?" She asked. Luna looked up at the clock and realised she had been sat doing work for hours and now it was evening.

"Oh. Yeah that's sounds great. Give me a minute, I'll shower and get changed." She shut down her laptop and ended the call so she could get ready.

She decided on high waisted leather trousers, a black halter neck and her long beige coat since it was cooler in the evenings as September approached. Slipping on her black boots and grabbing her bag, she left the giant house.

Luna flicked through her phone as she walked, Alex hadn't made contact in a while. She didn't worry over him when he was away, she knew she could trust him but she knew whenever he had a spare moment he would text her. He must be really busy.

She entered the quaint restaurant her mum had told her she had gotten a table at and allowed the nice waitress to take her coat.

"I'm meeting Julia Temple here." She said to her. the woman nodded and led her over to the table.

Luna wasn't paying attention as she walked. She was trying to shove her phone and keys from her coat pocket into her bag. That's why she didn't see who was sat with her mum when she reached the table.

"Sorry I'm late." She mumbled, finally clipping her bag shut and taking it off her shoulder. She looked up and gasped, her heart bursting. "Alex!" She beamed. Alex was sat next to her mum with a wide smile on his face. Then another face turned to look at her. "Penny!" She gasped, feeling as if she were going to faint.

Alex stood up and practically sprinted to her, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. She was still in shock from the unexpected visitors. The scent of him enraptured her, causing her to squeeze her eyes shut and pull him tightly towards her. She couldn't believe he was in her arms right now.

"Hey." His northern accent poured out into her ear before kissing her cheek with passion.

"Oh my god." Was all she could make out. "What are you doing here? Penny! What are you doing here?" She beamed as the couple let go of each other. Penny stood up and hugged her tightly, rocking her side to side while Alex watched in adoration.

"Alex thought he'd surprise you and I thought I'd surprise you both with Penny." Julia grinned as she stood up to say hello to her daughter.

"This is amazing. How long are you both here for?" She asked but Alex knew she was more curious about him.

"Only for tomorrow. I fly off Wednesday." He shrugged. Luna knew she shouldn't be disappointed, any time with Alex was a blessing.

"And you, Penny?" She asked, Penny smiled and shrugged.

"I'll leave when your mum does so we can travel together." She suggested, winking at Julia. Alex pulled Luna to his side and squeezed her hip, showing he had missed her.

Penny took a seat next to Julia so Alex and Luna could sit next to each other. Luna pulled Alex slightly and kissed him quickly just because she hadn't in a few weeks and it had been killing her.

Alex wanted to throw her down on the table then and there but with both their mothers present he knew that wasn't appropriate. Instead he watched her carefully, taking in every detail of her face to last him the next few weeks without her.

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