65. monday , july 2015

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It was Luna's final week at her culinary school. She had finished the majority of her classes and had received her final grade, she was excelling. The only class she had to go to now was her practical with professor Le Prou, her most hated teacher.

"It might be good to the average human but that's all it is, average. I'm here to be wowed and you aren't doing that and haven't been doing that."

Her professors words rang through her head as she entered her flat. Jen was at work so she was alone. She stood in front of the door for a brief moment before bursting into tears.

Luna ran to her bedroom, slammed the door like a teenager and got into bed so she could cry it out. No one had ever told her that her baking was average, it had always been the only thing that she had been above average in.

She wallowed in her sadness, re evaluating her whole career. Baking was her thing. She knew that Le Prou's opinion didn't count for her final grade but having someone so experienced and respected tell her she was shit knocked her down a peg or two.

"Luna!" She heard someone yell but she ignored it. The voice sounded way too happy. Her bedroom door opened and someone got into bed with her, it was Alex. "Hey babe." He hadn't picked up on the vibe yet as he started to spoon her and kiss her neck. She wiped her eyes and he realised she was crying. "Lu? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Alex. It's stupid." She mumbled. He kissed her head and brushed her hair out of her face. She rolled over to face him and he saw how sad she looked.

"Hey, don't cry. Tell me what happened." He pulled her closer to him and she started crying again.

"My professor told me I was shit at baking." She summarised. Alex's frowned and his eyebrows plunged towards his eyes. He sat up slightly.

"Well he's fucking wrong. Has he tried your brownies? Who the fuck does he think he is? What's his name?" He was close to shouting. Luna stared at him before pulling him back down. She didn't say anything, she just held him as tightly as she could and cried against him. They stayed there for a while.

"Thank you but I just want to cry it out." She finally said. He wrapped his big arms around her and pulled the duvet over them so she was warm.

"Of course." He mumbled, kissing her where he could and clutching her to keep her safe.

Inside, Alex was raging. How dare anyone hurt her feelings. He knew how much a comment like that could get to her. It made him want to punch the dickhead who said it.

It started to rain outside. Luna watched the rain fall on the window and it all became a bit too much. She closed her eyes and started to cry again. Her body was pulled Alex again and he rocked her slightly until she stopped.

"What if I am shit, Alex?" She wondered. He manœuvres her so she was facing him.

"If you were shit, your bakery in Sheffield would have closed down years ago. If you were shit, you wouldn't have gotten into this course." He pointed out. "Your professor is just trying to knock you down so you can spend the rest of your life trying to prove him wrong. Don't let him get to you because you are an amazing baker." He expressed as best he could. Luna smiled slightly which he saw as an achievement.

"Thank you, Alexander." She sighed, squeezing the parts of him she had in her grasp. Alex kissed her nose, making her scrunch it up with a small smile.

"You're beautiful, Luna. You truly are." He sighed as if he had been defeated. She stared at him, he couldn't bare the sadness in her eyes so he nuzzled his face into her neck. "Only a few days until you go back to England and only a couple of months until we're together again in London." He tried to comfort her.

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