54. monday night, march 2015

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"Jen! Come on! They're on their way!" Luna yelled, standing in the living room. Jen jogged as best she could in her heels.

"Calm down. Just 'cause you wanna shag a rockstar doesn't mean I can't put on three layers of mascara." She sighed. Luna rolled her eyes.

"I don't just wanna shag, Alex." She defended. Jen smiled but then she went serious.

"Actually I've been meaning to ask you, have you shagged him yet? I feel like I've been there every time you two are together." She bit her lip, trying to think whether they've been alone yet.

"We have roommates." She pointed out, pulling her phone out of her boot to see if they were there yet.

"Oh come on. How many times have I shagged someone with you in the next room?" Jen asked. Luna's eyes widened.

"None I hope." She shouted. Jen walked towards the door and Luna followed. "I would never do that to you!" She argued. Jen rolled her eyes.

"Okay okay" she held up her hands in defence. "For you, I will go home with Miles tonight so you can bring back Alex" She put her hand on her arm as if she were doing her a favour.

"Oh you're too kind." She replied sarcastically.

Even though Alex hadn't texted Luna, they still found the two men outside their apartment building having a cigarette.

"Hey boys." Jen called. They both turned in their direction and dropped their cigarettes immediately. Alex grinned widely at the sight of Luna. She blushed, feeling the weight of his stare and his eyes roam her body.

"Hello, Alexander." She smiled, standing on her tip toes for a kiss. He leant down and complied, kissing her a few times before taking her hand and taking a step back as if to marvel at her.

"You look stunning." He complimented. She looked away, a huge smile rushing across her mouth.

"Alright alright. Let's get going." Jen moved it along, knowing that they could compliment each other all night. Alex took the hand he was holding and wrapped it around her shoulder, squeezing her close to him.

They decided to walk to the bar they were going to, less hassle and even know half of them were mega rich, it was cheaper.

"I like your hair more natural." Luna noticed he had put less product in it. "It's getting long though." She pointed out. Alex ran a hand through it.

"Yeah, you can't really call me a Beatle anymore can you?" He teased. She pursed her lips.

"Careful, If it gets any longer you'll look like you're pretending to be John Lennon pretending to be Jesus." She pointed out. His eyes widened and he burst out laughing.

"Noted." He chuckled.

When they reached the bar, Alex and Miles went to get the drinks while the girls went to find a table. They ended up finding one in a corner with four chairs so they sat there.

"Swear you told me you'd shagged him." Jen said out of no where.

"Once, couple years ago but since we've been like...together? No, we haven't." She explained.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked.

Luna was about to reply when Jen nodded as the boys came over with the drinks. Alex sat next to Luna, scooting his chair as close as it could go to hers before putting his arm around the back of it.

"You know what i was thinking about the other day, Luna?" Miles asked as she sipped her drink, a vodka and coke.

"Enlighten me." She smiled.

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