90. friday, february 2017

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Alex stood in the studio, attempting to focus on the music around him. Alexandra stood next to him and James next to her as they listened to one of the last songs they had to finish, vanishing point. Alex couldn't concentrate, his mind was racing and he couldn't stop it.

"Al?" Alexandra snapped him out of his trance. "Are you okay?" She asked, noticing he was slightly out of it.

"Hmm?" He looked up at the two staring at him. "I'm just gonna go for a walk." He mumbled before grabbing his notebook and heading out. Alexandra and James looked at each other but assumed it was part of his creative process.

Alex walked out into the desert, it was getting late and the sun was starting to set. Many times had he sat outside with Alexandra and had a drink while the sun set. It was a serene moment that often fuelled him with inspiration.

He sat down at a picnic bench by a palm tree and chewed his lip, something was gnawing at his mind but he couldn't pin point it. The words were unravelling in his mind by the didn't quite know what they were yet. So he called the only person that could clear his mind.

"Good morning" She beamed. His mood lifted instantly at the sound of her voice and a light laugh left his lips.

"I'm currently sat watching the sun set." He pointed out. Luna laughed.

"Right." Alex closed his eyes and imagined her smiling. "Send me a picture." She requested. He pulled his  phone from his ear and snapped a photo before sending it on their messages. "Oh wow that is beautiful." He heard her comment as he put the phone back to his ear.

"I miss you." He sighed. There was a pause on the other end.

"Alexander?" She asked. Alex picked up his pencil and wrote down the word Alexander on the paper.

"Why do you call me Alexander?" He wondered, realising she had never stopped calling him that.

"Because that's how you introduced yourself to me. Alex, as in Alexander." She reminded him. He smiled. "At this point I don't care whether you like it or not."

"I like it." He assured her. There was silence between them.

"Anyways, hows Los Angeles treating you?" She asked. Alex wrote down Anyways on the paper.

"I'm burnt." He replied, causing a laugh from her which made him smile.

"That's my boy." She teased. He looked out at the sun and realised in a moment it would be gone as would the moment.

"I just called because...my head is spinning with ideas at the moment." He explained. Luna pauses and he could tell she was trying to figure out what he meant.

"About what?" She wondered. He started drawing on his paper absentmindedly.

"Everything. Alexandra's album, the monkey's album, our wedding." He listed.

"That's good, that you're inspired. Right?" She questioned. Alex hummed.

"About so much. It's a bit overwhelming. I want to focus on finishing Alex's album but I keep getting these ideas for monkeys" He was still scribbling away, writing random words and pictures around the page.

"Okay well write them all out, get them out physically whether that's recording them on your phone or writing them down. Just get it all out so it doesn't clog your beautiful mind." she advised. Alex sighed and wrote something else down, he stared at him and smiled.

"It's always as if you know exactly what I'm going to say" he spoke without Luna realising he was reading his notes.

"I know you so bloody well." She said as if it were a nuisance. "What are you doing now?"

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