birthday party//g.d

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AN// okay guys, this one's really long. and i just wanted to ask, do you guys like the longer ones? like do they get boring, because if they do, just let me know and ill make them shorter. also like, if you guys have asked for part 2s or had a request that i haven't gotten to, just message me them. sometimes comments get lost in my notifications and i miss them or i literally fricking forget, so just remind me !!

the kids in this imagine (yes i don't think gray would have 5 kids but it just makes it cuter okay bare with me): angelica (9), archer (7), everest (6), zadie (3) and an unborn little girl in y/n's tummy !! 

i also wont be making a part 2 to this one, just because series' with a lot of kids gets really confusing :(

(third person pov)

"You mean streamers?" Ethan asked. Grayson nodded.

"Yeah, yeah those," Grayson grumbled, fumbling with a mop. Ethan shook his head.

"'Long colourful toilet paper'" Ethan imitated. Grayson hit him with the stick of the mop and Ethan laughed walking off. "Okay, okay, jesus, I'll go get it," Ethan laughed, walking out of the front door.

"Asshole," Grayson mumbled, frustrated. Y/N waddled in, a smile on her face.

"Awh, Gray," She cooed, walking to him. He looked at her, wiping his forehead. "Here, I got-"

"No, I can do it," He said, holding the mop away. Y/N sighed, reaching for it, taking it from him. "Wait, sweethear-"

"No, you're doing it wrong, I can do it," She said. "Why don't you do something else?" She asked.

"You're literally pregnant," He said, reaching for the mopstick.

"For the fifth time, thanks for noticing," She said with a smile, reaching up to peck his cheek. He rolled his eyes as she mopped away, walking away from him. "Here, why don't you go to the store with E?" She asked.

"He left already," Grayson grumbled, taking a seat at the dining table. Y/N smiled at him.

"Everything's ready, babe, stop worrying too much," She said with a laugh. He rubbed his face with his hands and sighed loudly.

"What about the- what are they called- loot bags?" He asked. "Are those ready?" He asked.

"The girls are doing those right now," She told him, nodding her head upwards. He nodded and pushed himself up. "Why don't you go work out or something?" She suggested. He raised his eyebrows.

"Are you implying that I'm out of shape?" He asked. She laughed, pushing him away as he neared her.

"Yeah, I guess the kids are catching up to you," She said. He rolled his eyes and smiled. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"I'll go check on the girls," He said. Y/N nodded and kissed him before he headed up the stairs. "Don't do anything stupid," Grayson said wit ha point of his finger. Y/N rolled her eyes and mopped away.

"Girls!" Grayson called, walking upstairs. He pushed open doors until he found them all sitting in one room. "Whatcha doing?" He asked, entering.

"Baggie, daddy!" The youngest giggled. Grayson smiled as she dropped the bags in her clenched fists and scrambled up to him. He scooped Zadie up onto his hip as he sat on Angelica's bed.

"What's going on here?" He asked as Everest pulled open another bag. She sighed loudly as the three-year-old in Grayson's lap stood on his thigh.

"Mama gave us the baggies and said we gotta put candy in them but now she's yelling at me," Everest whined as she pointed at Angelica. Angelica rolled her eyes.

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