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AN// i used this little thing i wrote a while ago and combined two requests for this one :)) i think it flowed pretty nice but i hope you guys like!!

(y/n pov)

"Shave, E," You sighed. E stroked his beard and shook his head.

"Absolutely not, its November?" You sighed and shook your head as you picked up the little girl, finished her nap.

"Good morning, baby," You cooed. She giggled at you and you kissed her head. "Let's go eat, hm?" You asked the two-year-old.

"Mama!" Nadine giggled at you and you smiled, heading downstairs. Ethan headed down after you. You sat her in her highchair as you headed to the fridge.

Ethan headed to the kitchen to get himself his own snack and came back from making a sandwich just as you'd pulled out her yogurt.

"Here," He said. You opened your mouth and he shoved some of the sandwiches in your mouth. You placed her yogurt in front of her with a spoon as you chewed on the sandwich.

"There you go," You said to her with a grin. She giggled.

"Yummy!" Ethan chuckled as he sat on the counter, eating his sandwich as she ate her yogurt. He'd looked down for only a minute and she had the yogurt all over her mouth and chin. He sighed.

"What the hell are you doin'?" He asked. He slipped down, sandwich on the counter as you headed up to the bathroom.

He wiped ar her mouth with her bib. "Yummy!" She giggled as she flailed her arms at him.

"Not when you cover your face in it," He said. He took her spoon from her to feed her. "'S not a face mask."

He fed her the rest of her yogurt to her before taking her to the sink to wash off. "Scrub them hands," He said as she flicked her hands under the faucet.

Chuckling, he set her on the counter to dry off her hands and face. "There," He said. "All done." She giggled and he picked her back up, grabbing his sandwich on the way to the living room.

He put her down and she stumbled to her toys as he sat on her play mats. "Daddy play toys?" She asked. He looked up and shrugged.

"Sure," He said as she brought him a little soccer ball to hold. "Thank you, princess."

"Uh huh," She brought a basketball over before sitting in front of him. "Daddy?" She asked, palm outstretched.

He handed her the soccer ball back, dusting his hands on his sweats. He sat back as she played with the two miniature toys, getting bored himself. He scooped her up without a warning as you came back down to the kitchen. You glanced at them before heading over to wash her highchair tray.

He stood with her for a bit, throwing her up and down and catching her. She just squealed, knowing she wasn't going to fall. "Havin' fun?" He asked as she rested on his hip. She giggled and pulled at his beard.

"Hair, daddy!" She told him. Ethan grinned as an idea filled his brain. He laid her on her mats and pulled her shirt up. She giggled, hands already pulling at his hair as he blew raspberries onto her stomach.

She shrieked and Ethan just chuckled, as she squirmed, laughing. "Prickly, daddy!" She screeched. Ethan laughed, rubbing his chin on her tummy as she shrieked some more.

You walked into the room, sighing as you pushed his head away from her. "Leave my baby alone," You said, as she pulled at your hair, holding onto your shoulder. Ethan got off the floor.

"Princess liked that, didn't you?" He asked her. She giggled. "Didn't it tickle?"

"Daddy prickly!"

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