not you//e.d - pt2

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AN// oh man, and a part 3 :/

(y/n pov)

"'M I not going to school?" You shook your head as he sat up in bed. You looked up at him and shook your head.

"'S not like you'd go any-" You glared back at Ethan and he shut himself up.

"Here," You whispered, handing him some advils and a water bottle. Your son looked at you confused and then up at his dad, leaning against the doorframe, surveying the room.

"Alright so," Gavin took the pills and sat up. "What the fuck is happening?"

"Nothing, sweetheart," You said, standing up. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay." Gavin shook his head and pushed himself back into bed.

"Well if I'm not going to school, I'm gonna go back to bed." You nodded and kissed his forehead before walking to the door. Ethan opened his mouth to argue but you just put a hand on his chest and pulled him out of the room.

"I thought we were gonna talk to him?" He asked as you shut Gav's room door. You sighed. "Get his phone, we'll find out everything if we get his pho-"

"We're not stealing his phone, Ethan," You whispered. Ethan frowned down at you and you leaned up to kiss him. "No more yelling at him, okay, I don't know what happened this morning, but don't yell at him, okay?" E nodded and you ran a hand over his stubble.

"I have to meet Gray," Ethan sighed, You nodded and he headed back to your room to get dressed in his work clothes. You followed him and sighed. "You're not going to work, right? We're not leaving him alone?"

"No, I called in this morning," You told him. He nodded. "What happened with Grace's car?"

"It's gonna be fixed, something happened with the engine that she hadn't caught before," Ethan told you. You nodded. "I dropped her off at her place, and her, what's his face, is gonna take her to work this week."

"Her boyfriend?" Ethan rolled his eyes. "E, you need to sleep when you finish up with the meeting with Gray," You told him, fixing his tie.

"Yeah, I'm fuckin' exhausted." You smiled and gave him a hug. He mumbled a quick bye and left down in a hurry, already late.

You spent your day checking in on Gavin, and cleaning up around the house. Until he came downstairs around two, still in his clothes from the day before. "Hey mom," Gavin said, walking into the kitchen. "You- didn't go to work?"

"Oh no, not today," You said, standing up from the kitchen floor. You were finally cleaning out the freezer. "Had some work around the house, so I just decided to stay today." He nodded, heading to the fridge. "Plus, you were home, and I barely get to see you so I thought I'd spend some time with you."

"Sorry I slept through like- the whole day." You shook your head and smacked his arm as he drank almond milk straight out of the carton. Just like his dad. He pulled his mouth away from the carton, wiping at it. "Mom."

"That's disgusting," You sighed. He grinned and you shook your head. He was always like this. So happy- what the fuck had happened this morning? "We should talk, my love." You pointed to the kitchen table. He propped himself up and you let out a long-held breath.

"What happened?" You shook your head, arms crossing. It was best to do this without Ethan. "Is everything okay- are you guys getting a divorce?"

"What?" You laughed. "Oh god, no, where did that come from?"

"I don't know, what happened then?" You sighed and looked at him.

"Have you been going to class?" He stared at you for a moment, before looking back down at his sweats. "I got an email from your vice princi-"

"They emailed you?" You nodded.

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