assholes//e.d - pt2

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AN// again, just wanted to say i know gray would never ever ever do anything ive mentioned here. i just had the idea and wanted to write it, but the way ive portrayed him here isn't how he is, and i know that. just wanted to clear that up again xx

TRIGGER WARNING: alcohol abuse, smoking, domestic violence

(third person pov)

"Mom?" He heard a gasp on the other end. "It's E."

"Ethan-" Lisa paused for a moment. He figured she was crying. "I haven't' heard from you in months."

"I- I know." He paused. "How are you?"

"I'm doin' okay, where've you been?" He sighed, squishing the cigarette into the cement.

"Around, hey ma?" He heard a hum and continued. "You know where he's been?"

"Gray?" Ethan grunted. "He's- in Minnesota." Ethan let his eyes fall shut. "Why- are you gonna see him?"

"No- uh, 'ma?" She hummed again. "'S he liked, married or you know- have kids and shit?"

"I- haven't talked to him in years, E, he never picks up, or maybe he changed his number," She whispered. Ethan nodded to himself. "But back when he first moved there, years ago, he did call and let me know his girlfriend was pregnant." Ethan shook his head, wanting to light another cigarette.


"I don't know, E- if she were pregnant and had him or her," Lisa paused, "My grandbaby would be six or seven." Ethan sighed.


"What's wrong, you wanna go find him?" Ethan let out another sigh. "Everythin' okay?"

"Yeah- yeah, was just thinkin' about him." Lisa sighed.

"Can you come visit me sometime?" She asked. Ethan got into his house. "Drop by- I miss you," She whispered.

"I miss you too, mom." He nodded to himself. "I'll come over- maybe in a month or two, okay?" He heard a sniffle. "Don't cry."

"I know, I know, I just miss you two, so much." Ethan sighed. "Call me, okay?"

"I will, 'ma, love you."

"I love you too, Ethan."


"Uncle Ethan!" He smiled as he watched Scarlette run towards their space by the fence. Lunch tray in hand, she wobbled over to him. He waved but his face fell when he saw two girls come up behind her.

They looked a little older and wasted little time in pushing Scarlette over. And once again, her carrots fell in the grass. And her sandwich. And her chocolate milk. She frowned and E couldn't hear what the girls were saying, but it didn't seem so nice.

So he walked around the fence, climbing onto school property and heading over to the girls. He knew he wasn't allowed. But he wasn't going to let her get bullied. "Hey," He whispered, helping Scarlette up. She held onto his leg as the other girls looked up at him. "What do you thi-"

"Sir, you can't be on school prop-"

"Well I had to step in, seeing as you weren't," Ethan said to the teacher. She looked around at the mess of Scarlette's lunch. "This isn't the first time either." He said with a shake of his head, picking Scarlette up, knowing she was far too old to be picked up. She clung onto his neck anyway.

"Girls-" He cut the teacher off.

"I'm taking Scarlette for lunch- seeing as she doesn't have any." The teacher nodded quickly. No note needed. "We'll sign out at the office."

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