not you//e.d - pt1

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AN// this got a little too long by accident so get ready for a part 2 to finish it off.

TRIGGER WARNING: drug/alcohol abuse

(y/n pov)



"His school emailed me today," You whispered. E looked down at you. You looked up from his shoulder. E put his phone face down on the mattress.

"The emailed you?" You nodded. "Don't they call?" You sighed.

"He- I think he blocked our numbers or the school's number or something," You said. E looked down and frowned. "But yeah they emailed me so I called them at work."


"He hasn't been to class in two weeks." You sat up and leaned your head back on the headboard instead of his shoulder. "What's going on with him, E?"

"I- he's going to school," Ethan said. "What the fuck?"

"Well, he isn't going to class because he's failing them all." Ethan looked at you and you shook your head, eyes closing. "Ethan."

Ethan let out a loud sigh and tilted his head back as you looked up at him. "I don't know," He whispered. "What're we doing wrong?"

"I just wonder what's happening with him," You whispered. "He's not home tonight, is he?" E shook his head.

"He's at his friend's." You shook your head as E pulled you in by the arm. "He's seventeen, y/n, there's only so much we can do."

"He'll be eighteen and there'll be nothing we can do." Ethan looked down at you as you played with straps of his tank top.

"I don't know." E kisses the top of your head and you pushed yourself down to lie down. Ethan did the same, phone officially discarded, the email he was writing drafted.

"Talk to him?" You asked. Ethan nodded.

"First thing tomorrow."


"'ello?" E asks, voice raspy. He hadn't even checked who it was, he'd just swung his arm over and clicked answer.

"Dad?" Ethan sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Dad?"

"Hey princess," He mumbles, yawning. "What's up?"

"My, uh, car broke down," She said. Ethan's eyebrows furrowed as he checked the time. "It- I don't know, there was gas, I know my tank was full so I don't know what hap-"

"Where are you going at 2 in the morning?" He asked, getting out of bed while wiping the tired out of his eyes for good.

"I had the last shift at the diner," She sighed. "I was on my way home and, yeah," She sighed.

"Where are you?" He asked, pulling on a sweatshirt as he grabbed his keys. He scribbled y/n a note, just in case she woke up before he got home.

"You know where I used to take ballet, not far from there," She told him.

"Angel that area's sketchy, that's why we took you out in the first place," He sighed, heading down the stairs to grab a water bottle.

"I know, there's no one here though," She said. He heard move around as he shut the front door behind him. "Oh, dad-" She sighed.

"What happened?"

"I have a flat tire," She said. He could hear the panic in her voice and he sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm coming," He sighed. "You have a spare?"

"Think so," She mumbled. "I'm sorry," She whispered.

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