daddy-daughter dance//e.d

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AN// fair warning that there wont be a part two because that'll turn into a series and im already working on another little series for you all right now and i dont want to get overwhelmed. im sorry, but i love you and stay safe xx

(third person pov)

"We're not gonna go, daddy," Angel said. Grayson frowned.

"Huh?" She sighed. "Why not?"

"Because!" Grayson raised an eyebrow. "'Member Alexis?" Gray nodded.

"What about her?"

"She can't go, daddy," Angel whispered. Grayson frowned, getting on his knee.

"Why not, princess?" Angel sighed.

"She doesn't have a daddy to go with," She said with a frown. Grayson's eyebrows bunched up. "He passed away."

Grayson was silent for a moment. "Oh my." Angel nodded and shrugged. "So you don't want to go either?"

"Well that's not fair, right?" Gray nodded. "I can't have fun without my best friend!" Gray nodded and kissed her head.

"But what happened- all of a sudden?" He asked. She frowned. "You both were so excited last week?" Angel rubbed her eye.

"That's 'cause her uncle was gonna go with her, but now he can't go," Angel said with another long sigh. "It's okay, daddy, maybe we can go to another daddy-daughter dance next year," She said, patting his shoulder.

"Okay," He said with a frown as she hugged him. "Oh man, I was so excited."

"Me too, but 's not fair, daddy," She said. "Lexi would get so so sad."

"She would, huh?" Angel nodded and the six-year-old headed back to her bed. She smiled at Gray.

"Wanna play dress up daddy?"


Grayson walked up to the doors he picked Angel up from with his hands in his pockets. Leaning against the wall he waited for the bell to ring.

Kids came running out from the doors eventually, his princess among them. "Daddy!" She squealed, running up to him. Gray scooped her up and squeezed her tight.

"Hey, princess." He kissed her head and dug his keys out of his pockets before he put her back down. He took her bag and swung it over his shoulder.

"Are we gonna go home now, daddy, is the baby sleeping?" She asked excitedly. Gray grinned as she reached for his hand to hold. "Look- hi, Lexi!" She called out. Perfect.

Gray smiled, walking over to Lexi and her mother as Angel dropped his hand and ran to her friend. "Hey," Grayson said with a smile. Y/N nodded.

"Hi Grayson," She said with a smile. They'd met of course- countless playdates. "How's the baby?" Grayson grinned.

"Oh she's great, one-month-old tomorrow," He said with a smile. Y/N nodded, congratulating him again. "Why don't you girls go play on the playscape for a little while, so we can talk?" The girls ran off and Grayson turned back to y/n. "You're not busy, are you?" She laughed.

"Oh no, we were just gonna head to Walmart and then home." Grayson nodded. "You need to talk to me about something?" Gray nodded.

"Well-" He paused. "Angel told me the other day, that, well, she said Alexis' father passed away?" Y/N's face visibly fell. "I'm sorry if that was-"

"Oh no, don't worry about it," Y/N said with a little smile. "Yeah, he passed about a year after she was born?" Gray nodded. "How'd that come up in conversation- is this about that da-"

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