work trip//g.d

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AN// i feel like this is really late and im sorry it took so long :( i get so many requests and i like to go in order and then i got caught up with my other book and ahh i hope the person who requested this still likes though :)

(y/n pov)

"Darling," You sighed. She fumbled past you, still looking. "Layla."

"Daddy?" She asked you. "Daddy?"

"He's at work, remem-" She began to wail all over again. You could never say the word 'work' around her. "Layla," You sighed, picking her up. She cried some more, trying to get you to put her down.

"Daddy come home!" She screamed. You sat on the couch with her in your lap and tried to rock the two-year-old to sleep.

"You're late for your nap, honey, no wonder you're so crank-"

"Daddy come home!" She screamed again. You sighed, holding her close. You kissed her on the head, only for her to wipe it away.

"You're gonna wake your brothers up, please go to slee-"

"U-cle E?" She asked suddenly, sitting up. "U-cle E come home?"

"He's with daddy too-" And the waterworks restarted.

You stood with her on your hip and walked to the kitchen, hoping the boys wouldn't wake up from the nap that they were actually taking and decided to get her a snack. "Cookie?" She asked once you opened the pantry. You rolled your eyes and pulled out a container of cookies that Gray had made for her. "Daddy cookies," She said, sniffling.

You sat her on the counter and opened the container and put a couple in her bowl, handing it to her. You wiped her tears and kissed her on the head as she breathed for a moment, tiny hands picking up an equally tiny cookie. "What do you say?" You prompted.

"Thank you." You smiled and filled her bottle with some milk, knowing it might put her to sleep. You shook it and handed it to her.

"You're a big girl now, why can't you drink from a sippy cup like your brothers, hm?" You asked. She huffed at you, chewing on her cookie. You reached into her bowl and she pulled it away. You smiled and shook your head.

"Daddy come home?" She asked. You smiled. "Bedtime?"

"Maybe?" You asked. She frowned. You didnt want to lie to her and get her hopes up. "She'll be home soon, okay?"

"Come home," She said. She held out her empty bowl and you took it to the sink. You brushed the crumbs off of her chin and shirt before pulling her up, her bottle in her mouth.

"Let's go upstairs, hm?" You asked. She nodded and you carried her there while she drank her milk. "Look, they're sleeping see?" You asked, walking past her brothers' room.

"Uh huh."

"Shouldn't you sleep too? Aren't you tired?" She replied with a yawn. You smiled, taking her to her room and lying her down. She handed you the half-empty bottle. "Done?"

"La-er," She mumbled falling onto her sheets. You smiled and sat on her bed. "Daddy play d-ess up?" She asked.

"When he gets home, yeah," You whispered. She frowned and rolled up into her sheets. "Soon, Lay."

"So sad," She mumbled. You kissed her head before standing up to leave.

You walked out of her room and into the boys' and made sure they were still sound asleep before heading into the living room downstairs. "Hello?"

"Grayson, when the fuck are you coming home?"

He chuckled on his end. "Eventually- everything okay up there?" He asked. You sighed, leaning back into the couch.

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