all wrong//g.d - pt2

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(third person pov)

"Okay, you four," Ms. Walker said. "Go get dressed for the ceremony- no fooling around in there." Nicky smiled and headed to the bathroom with the three other girls with her outfit in the bag y/n had given her. She headed to the farthest stall while the girls changed outside.

"My dress is purple," she heard one girl say. Nicky pulled on her dress pants- she liked them, though they were pretty expensive. Then went on the belt her uncle had let her have.

"Woah, you look so pretty!" Another one of her classmates said. Nicky frowned, trying to figure out Ethan's stupid Louis Vuitton clasp. Once she had that on, she tried to pull her shirt on. And then her little blazer.

She thought she looked wonderful.

She stepped out after running her hand through her short hair, the same way her uncle did, to try and fix it. Her other three classmates frowned as Nicky went to wash her hands.

"Nicky, where's your dress?" Selena asked. Nicky shrugged.

"I don't like dresses so much," the twelve-year-old said honestly. The other three girls frowned at each other.

"You look like a boy, though," Chloe said with a frown. The way she said it didn't make Nicky feel good at all.


"Here, we've got lots of makeup- want us to help you?" Nicky shook her head.

"I don't like makeup ei-"

"But you look just like all the guys!" Elise yelled. Nicky frowned, taking a step back. "Especially with your hair like that."

"Why is your hair like that?" Selena asked. "It's so fricking short, Nicky."

"You should grow it long like-"

"I like it short," Nicky said, defending herself. "It's less work."

"Oh." The other girls frowned at each other.

"It looks kinda, like, stupid, you know," Selena said with a hand on her hip. "We're graduating to middle school- we'll be in seventh grade!" Nicky didn't say anything. She toed the bathroom floor with her nikes.

"Well, yeah-"

"Maybe you should grow up, y'know?" Chloe said. Elise nodded, dabbing something on her face. It didn't really match her skin properly, but what did Nicky know about makeup. "And like start acting like a girl?"

"You're so skinny, I bet you'd look good if you wore skirts," Elise said. It definitely didn't match her skin- her neck was another colour. Selena noticed too, it seemed, and went over to fix her friends make up. "Or even a dress- imagine if you wore that to our grade twelve graduation!"

Nicky didn't say anything as she looked down at her outfit. She thought she looked cool. She was wearing what she always wanted to wear to fancy events. Not to mention she was wearing Louis Vuitton. She'd thought that if she wore something expensive, it'd distract people from the rest of her outfit.

"Guys, I like my outfit," she whispered, trying to defend herself like her dad told her to always do. "I like it a lot."

"You'd just look better with a dress."

"But, I like-"

"Like girls wear?" Selena asked, waving a brush in her face. "You are a girl, aren't you?" No, Nicky wanted to say. No, I'm not.


She left the bathroom then, ready to go join her friends in line. But everyone else stared at her funny too. This was supposed to be her big day. She was winning two awards, her dad and mom and little sister were coming to cheer her on and she was making a speech as valedictorian. It was supposed to be her big day. But now it was all ruined.

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