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(third person pov)

"You okay?" Y/N asked with a smile. "Trust me, Gray, I can st-"

"No, no, you go," he said, leaning down to kiss her, toddler on his hip. "It's just three kids, I can take care of three kids." She sighed.

"I know, but-"

"You do it all the time, babe, I got this." She smiled and kissed Mila on the head. She giggled and y/n got a kiss on the cheek back. "We'll be good, yeah, angel?" The two year old didn't say anything as her mother slipped on her shoes.

"It's only a bridal showe-"

"Go," Gray said. Y/N sighed and nodded, waving.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few hours-"

"Nuh uh, I know about that celebratory dinner too." She smiled at him. "Have fun, baby, it's okay- I can do this."

She sighed and waved by at the toddler and at him before leaving to her car. Gray and Mila watched her leave before closing the door.

"Looks like it's just us for a little while longer," he whispered, carrying her to the kitchen. "What should we do, hm?"

"Daddy?" He kissed her head.

"We should have a little bit of time before your brother and sister wake up, yeah?" She squeezed his nose. "Let's have a snack."

"Snack," she said. Gray nodded, slipping her into her highchair adder dragging it to the kitchen with his leg.

"They'll be up soon- why can't you three just nap all at once." He reached into the pantry for some cookies, the soft kind and gave her a few. "What do you say?" he prompted.

"Thank 'ou, daddy!" He chuckled and kissed her head.

It wasn't long before Gray had made his two others cheese and crackers, that the two four year olds walked in. "Hi, daddy," Mary whispered, arms up. Gray turned and smiled, lifting her up.

"Hey, princess," he said, kissing her head. "Sleep nice?"

"Uh huh." He showed her their snack and set her back down. "Crackers, Marco," she mumbled, walking past him and into a chair. He stared, still a little tired. Gray smiled.

"Wake up, bud, you're up now." Marco groaned and joined his twin at the table. "Here," Gray said, setting their snack before them.

"Thank you," they both said. Gray smiled and ruffled Marco's hair.

"Dad," he grumbled.

"Wake up!" Gray yelled. Why did their dad have to be so loud? "Come on, guys, mama's not home, we can do whatever we want!" The twins looked up.

"Where'd she go?" Marco asked.

"She went out, bud, so it's just us for the afternoon!" They smiled.

"Can we go swimming, daddy?" Marietta asked. Gray shook his head.

"Maybe not that, princess, daddy hasn't cleaned the pool." She frowned as she shoved a cracker into her mouth. "Come on, we can do a puzzle?" he asked, pulling Mila out of her highchair. She rested on his shoulder while he brushed off her hands and highchair tray.

"Puzzle's are boring, dad," Marco grumbled. Gray smiled.

"Why don't we finish up your homework, hm?" he asked. They smiled, nodding. "Yeah, okay, woah-" he looked down to see Mila tugging at his hair. "Tired?"

"Mhm." Gray shook his head and carried her upstairs. "Nap time," she mumbled.

"That's right," he whispered setting her down on the bed. She curled up and Gray kissed her head before leaving the room, shutting the door. He grabbed the twins' reading homework before heading back.

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