assistant//e.d - pt2

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(y/n pov)

You looked up from your desk as he slipped in. "Mr. Dolan-"

"Please, call me Ethan." You nodded. "Good morning, y/n."

"Good morning." You gave him a smile.

"I just came to- apologize for last night." You shook your head. "No, really, my sincere apologies, y/n, that was completely inappropriate of her and I just-"

"No, really, it's okay." You nodded and he sighed. "I didn't take it to heart."

"Thank you- I just wanted to apologize on her behalf." You shook your head. "I also wanted to thank you for babysitting Alessia with, like, no notice prior." You smiled and shook your head again.

"Don't worry about it."

"You didn't have to do that- I sent you a check early, extra pay, though, so let me know if you get that. It wasn't sent through the system so I don't know exactly if it works the same." You thanked him and he shook his head.

"Is she here today too?" He nodded. "Well, good luck," you said with a smile. He sighed heavily, shrugging.

"She keeps changing her mind about the divorce so it's always a mess when it comes to Alessia." You nodded. "I don't trust her with e/w because of her little drinking problem- well, that's my personal issue to deal with."

"It's alright, sir." He smiled, hand on your office door.

"Thank you, though, y/n, always so helpful." You smiled and he left your office.

You turned back to your computer, going back to your work while your mind drifted off back to Alessia. She was growing up in such an unhealthy environment. You were glad that it would all be over soon, but you made it a personal goal to help the child in any way you could.

You prayed that e/w wouldn't be in Ethan's office during your lunch break that day, and thankfully, she wasn't. "Come in," E called out, and you opened the door after your knock. "Oh, hi, y/n."

"Hey, I came to say hello," you said. E smiled, pointing to her room. You walked in to see her sitting at a little bench you'd once seen her uncle bring in for her. "Hi!" She turned to look at you.

"Y/N!" the toddler yelled. She ran to you, dropping her crayon on the floor. You crouched down to give her a hug.

"Hi, Les, how's your day going?" She giggled and pulled you to her bench. You stood behind her. "Wow, look how pretty." It seemed as if she was scribbling on some printer paper.

"-tation," she said with a smile, handing it to you. You took it.

"It's a what?"

"-tation." You smiled, a little confused. She started up on another paper and you heard moving behind you and turned.

Ethan was leaning against the doorframe and smiled at you. "An invitation," he explained. Your mouth formed into an o. "She's inviting you to her little birthday party."

"Awh," you cooed with a smile. "You're turning two years old?" She held up two fingers two confirm. You turned back to Ethan.

"You're welcome to come if you'd like," he said with a smile. "It'll just be some family from my side, I'm not sure if e/w's doing anything, but she won't be there." You nodded.

"Yeah, I'd love to." You smiled down at her and she giggled. "What would you like for a present?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," E said with a chuckle.

"Co-lur?" Alessia asked. You smiled, checking your watch for the time. "Pink," she said, handing you a pink crayon.

"Just for a few minutes, okay, I've got to get back to wo-"

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