chapter one

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Fifth year, first day of classes
Alora Slater POV

The sun had rose about an hour ago and started warming the freezing castle. I could never understand why the rooms got so cold at night, there was no reason they couldn't put a fireplace in here. I had Potions with Snape this morning, so I definitely couldn't be late. Pansy and Daphne were still passed out in their beds, so I quickly got changed and got my things organized.

My trunk was only half unpacked, and my robe was hanging up in the closet already. As I tied my tie around my neck, I thought about what we would be doing today. Snape rarely bothered with review, so it was a good thing I had brought my book from last year. I pulled the robe over my shoulders and left it open in the front, it looks ridiculous when you button it closed.

I walked over to Pansy's bed and gave the bedpost a hard kick. Pansy rolled over and groaned before throwing a pillow at me and pulling her blanket over her face. I kicked it again, twice. She didn't move, which was awfully like her.

"Get your lazy ass up, Parkinson."

"Fuck out of here, Slater, it's too early for you."

"Fine, be late for McGonagall's class then. Don't come complaining when you have detention later, I'm not bailing you out."

"I hate you," she mumbled as she sat up.

Her hair was a disaster and she honestly looked awful. It was clear she hadn't slept much last night.

"You need to brush your hair," I tossed her the hairbrush that was on top of her trunk.

"Shut up."

"Daphne, wake up!" I called to her.

When she didn't move, I threw Pansy's pillow at her and she let it hit her square in the face. Pansy chucked the hairbrush at the wall just above her head, which scared Daphne into jumping up to scream at her.

"Are you insane?!" She cried.

"You should know this by now. If I have to get up you do too."

"You're only up because Slater woke you up."

"Well I'm sorry for trying to keep you idiots out of trouble. Get ready faster, I want a muffin."

When they were ready about half an hour later, the three of us walked down the stairs and into the common room. Malfoy and his friends were already gathered around the coffee table waiting for us. As much as I hated him, Pansy and Daphne did not,
so we all hung out as one big group most of the time.

"Morning Slater, you look a mess today," Draco chirped.

"Same to you. Did you forget to wash your hair or is that just an obscene amount of gel?" I asked.

"Both of you need to shut up right now, it is too early to listen to you bicker," Daphne groaned.

Goyle and Blaise both nodded in agreement with her, Crabbe and Pansy were not paying attention. Apparently we argue often enough that they've become able to tune us out. Draco and I both rolled our eyes before our group left the common room and headed for the Great Hall.

Younger students from assorted houses scurried out of our way in the corridor, trampling over one other to dodge us. I wouldn't say we are an exceptionally scary group of people, I guess we just have a reputation. We've probably teased all of those kids at least twice, but I don't see why they're running away.

We turned the corner to the Great Hall and my face lit up instantly. Draco started to make a move for them first but I beat him to it. I strutted down the hall towards Potter and his friends who were standing in the corner. When they saw me coming, their conversation halted and they all turned slowly.

"Not now, Slater," Weasley pleaded.

"Surprised to see you lot here this year. The guilt from killing Diggory wear off so quickly, Potter?" I taunted.

"I didn't kill Cedric, Voldemort did."

"So you've said. But if you hadn't saved him from those vines, he'd still be alive."

"Nobody could have known."

"No, no of course not. It makes you think though, being noble all the time isn't as good as it's made out to be. Maybe a change in personality could save these two dopes, lord knows everyone who gets close to you dies."

"That's enough, Alora," Hermione Granger said, stepping up from beside Harry.

"Nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy Mudblood," a voice from behind me said.

Pansy had come to join me while I was talking. I gave her a hard slap on the arm and a scowl before returning to my focus to the three in front of me. She knew I hated that word but still chose to say it? Bitch move.

"As much fun as this was, I have better things to do than hang around with a murderer and his friends. Weasley, you've got some sort of... food... on your shirt."

He quickly looked down and began to wipe at the spill down his chest. I turned on my heel, forcefully grabbing Pansy and pulling her along with me. She rubbed her arm and frowned at me as I dragged her down the corridor back to the group.

"What the hell is your problem?" She asked.

"What the hell is yours? Don't interrupt me next time, and don't use that word when I'm making fun of them. You're such an idiot."

"You're the idiot, just going to let Granger walk all over you then?"

"She wasn't walking all over me! She said three fucking words!"

"I don't know why you're so angry, you're lucky I was there."

"I cannot believe you. You know I don't like that word and you still use it around me all the time, it's disgusting."

"Oh, fuck off," she shoved me off of her and in to the wall across the corridor.

We had now gained the attention of the rest of our group, Daphne had begun to walk over to us to break it up. Pansy and I fought quite often, but it was rarely physical. I straightened myself up before walking up to her and her smug face. The smirk on her face was begging to be punched.

"Back off, Slater, or you can go hang out with the Mudbloods you love so much."

Before I could fully register what I was doing, I felt my fist flying forwards. Next thing I knew, it was colliding with her jaw at full speed. Her hands shot up to her face as she fell to the ground, a bit of blood had smeared across her face. Thinking about it, it probably would have been better if I had taken my ring off.

"Fuck you, Alora."

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