chapter twenty seven

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Alora Slater POV

The door slammed behind me and I speed walked down the hallway, Yaxley coming out of his hiding place and joining me. He had a huge smile on his face but I did not. I just broke the law and found out the Ministry knows about Draco and I being Death Eaters.

"They know about Malfoy and I being involved, they have increased security around the the country... specifically the Manor and they know there was a meeting last night."

"You got all of that from ten minutes of small talk with Thicknesse?"

"Yes, we need to leave now."

"I knew the Dark Lord said you were a master manipulator, but this is just madness. Did you use the Imperius Curse?"

"What? No! Of course not! I made a trade."

"You did what?" He slammed me into the wall.

It was hard, felt like my spine snapped. I gasped for air as he jammed his wand into my throat with one hand and choked me out with the other. He looked at me angrily with wild eyes, not afraid if he was hurting me. I actually thought he was hoping he was inflicting some pain.


"Now I see why Bellatrix cursed you, you certainly are stupid."

"Ya- I- gav-"

"You handed over information!"

I pulled my wand out of my pocket and silently casted the spell, Flipendo, which sent him flying off of me. I didn't think that would work, my silent spells could use some work. He rubbed his head before getting up and running at me with his wand drawn.

He threw a spell at me but I blocked it, causing it to ricochet off the shield charm and hit the wall. He sent another spell or two my way but I blocked them both, then sent a stunning spell towards him. A fourth spell broke through my shield charm and hit me, It must have been Diffindo because I felt a slice motion go right through my leg. I fell to the ground, trying to keep my blood from getting everywhere.

"Stop for a minute!" I shrieked.

He froze with his wand still aimed at me but did not try to curse me again. I kept mine ready but my hand trembled due to how much my leg was hurting.

"Of course I wouldn't give him real information, I'm not trying to get myself killed! Now either fix this or get me back to the Manor so I can do it myself, you idiot!" I whisper-yelled through the pain.

He tilted his head slightly in disbelief before bending down and grabbing my arm, apparating us out of the Ministry and back into Malfoy Manor. We were in the lobby, I was still on the floor. I clutched my bleeding leg, trying not to scream in pain, but lord it hurt. Yaxley stood there staring at me, having no idea what to do.

"Well don't just stand there, go find someone! Merlin, you're useless!"

"Watch your tone, kid," he growled.

"You sliced my leg open after cutting me off then jumping to conclusions, you don't get to tell me to watch my tone!"

"I am your boss, stop yelling at me and calm down."

"Go find someone to fix my leg since you are too incompetent to fix your mistake!"

"Do you want me to mess up your other leg?"

"I AM BLEEDING ALL OVER YOUR BOSS'S FLOOR! You're going to be the one in trouble if you don't either hand me my wand, or get out of here!"

"I really don't know why the Dark Lord speaks so highly of you, you aren't anything special... just annoying."

"What the hell is going on down here?" A cold voice asked from the stairs. Mr. Malfoy.

"The little bitch got herself hurt and she's freaking out on me."

"Got myself hurt?! You did this because you refused to listen! I did exactly what I was told and got more information than you ever could!"

"Now, now, Slater, there's no need to get angry."

"No need? Yaxley, cut his leg in half and see if he isn't angry about it!"

"Shut up, kid."

My vision started to get a bit blurry and my head started spinning, but neither of them were doing anything. My wand was on the floor next to Yaxley's foot, but I couldn't reach it. The feeling in my leg was starting to fade, it felt like dead weight. My chest was getting heavy and it wasn't an easy task to breathe.

The pool of blood I was sitting in was starting to spread, I was soaked in it. It was disgusting, yet completely terrifying. Sitting in my own blood was probably the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, next to getting my Dark Mark. Dark spots started clouding my vision until I couldn't see anything at all.

"Maybe this will teach you to have some respect."

I felt my head collide with the floor.

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