chapter thirty six

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Alora Slater POV

I didn't even feel him grab my arm before I was landing in his house. Secretly, I was glad to get out of the madness, but he should not have taken me without asking first. I yanked my arm away from him and turned around quickly, coming face to face with him.

"Malfoy, what is wrong with you?!"

"Snape told me to take you out of there. People were starting to come out, we're all meeting here soon anyway."

"I wasn't finished," I growled.

"You were. You were more than finished. Honestly,
you shouldn't have even been there. It was my task, not yours."

"You didn't have the balls."

"What has gotten into you?"

"Not you too," I did not want to have this conversation again.

"You're freaking everyone out and you traumatized your best friend. Anything you tell me won't leave this place."

"Mind your own business."

"Slater, come on. You know this isn't you. Where have you been going every week?"

"Auntie Bella and I have been growing very close," I taunted.

"Auntie Bella? What the hell are you playing at?"

"You're the one who told me to lose my morals and do what I'm told. I'm working on it and I'm doing my job."

"I didn't tell you to lose yourself," he retorted.

"What are you even worried about? What I do is none of your concern. Stay in your place and stop trying to get involved in my life by pretending to care about me."

"What you do with my family is my concern! I don't care if you don't like it, because I sure as hell don't, but I hear about everything."

"Just because you hear about it doesn't mean you need to stick your nose in it!"

"Your shit is affecting me too, not everything revolves around you."

"How is my shit affecting you?" Was he joking?

"I'm the one listening to Pansy and all of our friends get upset about you. They might not show it, but they respect you and they admired you! You were the one holding the seven of us together!"

"You're mad at me because I chose business over pathetic friendships? Grow up."

"No! I'm mad because you're destructive! You are so blinded now that you don't see what you're giving up!"

"Stop caring about what I am or am not giving up! I'm old enough to make my own decisions, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not a child?!"

"You never got to be a child, so you're acting like one now."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," I said coolly.

"Well? After daddy ditched your family you were left to pick up the pieces, I get it. You never got to make mistakes, so now you're taking advantage of your new freedom."

"Freedom? You told me I lost any freedom once I got my Dark Mark. I'm embracing it, you should give it a try. I'm sure your father might gain a shred of respect for you if you did."

He didn't respond to that, our breathing was heavy. So much had happened in such a short period of time, I'm sure both of our heads were exploding. I didn't want to be fighting with him right now, I was tired. It's been a rough night and we've been through hell and back. When I saw him pointing his wand at Dumbledore tonight, he looked so sad. There was no better word for it than sad.

I wasn't sure when everyone else would be coming back, I certainly didn't want them to. Draco was going to get in shit with his father and there wasn't anything I could do to help. The others would ridicule him. It was going to be an awful night. They would all get drunk and try and talk with me. Merlin, I hated when they spoke to me, their eyes always wandered.

The house was silent except for our now synchronized breathing, in and out slowly but heavily. We both knew there wasn't much time until their party came in and we would have to hide in our rooms the rest of the night. Neither of us could be seen at Hogwarts again this year, at least one person had to have seen us standing with the wrong people.

"I'm going to say this one last time so it sinks in. I am not responsible for your feelings, and you are not responsible for me."

"You're going to get too cocky and you'll get yourself killed. By then, everyone who ever cared about you will have been pushed away, and you'll die alone. Painfully," he threatened.

"So be it then."

His lips came crashing on to mine right as the words escaped my mouth.

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