chapter twenty five

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*Disclaimer: this chapter contains themes regarding eating disorders and body image issues. If this is a potential trigger for you, please skip this chapter.*

Alora Slater POV

I woke up early this morning, today was the day I would go with Yaxley to the Ministry. I've only been to the Ministry once or twice, but never for something bad. I was a little less nervous than I was with Bellatrix. We couldn't just barge in and start killing people, maybe things would be a little more... toned down.

I got dressed wearing a airy black skirt that was about knee length and a plain, black turtleneck. As I was tying my boots, there was a soft knock at the door, so gentle I barely heard it.

"Come in."

Draco stepped in the room looking awfully tired. I had never seen him like this before, messy hair, sweatpants and a big tee shirt. Somehow, he looked better this way. I didn't know how he could bring himself to wear a shirt that didn't cover his Dark Mark, I wondered if I would ever be able to. I guess it didn't really matter, it was just us seeing him.

"Why do you look like that?"

"Gee, thanks."

"Getting all dressed up for Yaxley?"

"Shut up."

I stood up and walked over to the fancy mirror that stood on a stand in the corner. Trying to figure out what to do with my hair, Draco closed the door and walked over to the mirror, standing tall behind me. After us standing there for about a minute and a half, he stood up and took the brush out of my hands.

"I have to get ready, I can't be late."

"Just shut up for three seconds."

He brushed through my hair slowly, making sure not to pull to hard. He took the pins off of the dresser and pinned the top half of my hair back, it actually didn't look half bad. I had already done my makeup, so I was physically ready, just had to get in the right headspace.

"Where'd you learn how to style hair? Pansy teach you in the spare time you weren't busy snogging?"

"My mother."

"She taught you well."

"Are you hungry? I can't cook but we have a house elf-"

"I don't think I can eat this morning."

He frowned at me slightly then focused hard for a moment, like he was thinking about something important.

"When was the last time you've eaten something, Slater?"

Now it was my turn to think. I had been so overwhelmed lately it certainly had been a while. I think it was two days before I left to come here, I ate a sandwich. Pansy made me eat because I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. How could I be forgetting to eat?

"Alora, how long?"

"It's been a a day."

"How many days?" He growled, he knew I was lying.

"Three or four," I felt too guilty to look at him.

"You haven't eaten in three or four days? Sit down, I'll go get you something."


"You need to eat."

"Seriously, I'll eat later."

"Sit," he pushed me down on to the bed and turned for the door.


"No! You don't get to yell at me again. If anyone should be yelling it's me. How could you be so stupid? Don't you dare leave this room."

I gulped and nodded slowly. When he got angry, he got really angry. He could go from zero to one hundred very quickly, and it could be scary sometimes. He left and reappeared a few minutes later with a plate and a cup in his hands. After placing them next to me, he sat down in the plush armchair next to the bed.

"You cut up my apple for me?"

"That's the one thing I actually did do, yes."

"I'm not a child."

"No, you're not. Stop stalling and eat."

"Are you going to watch me the whole time?"

"Do I need to?"

"Well, if you are, you have to eat too."

With a snap of his fingers, a house elf appeared in the room with a matching plate and cup to mine and placed them on the the night table closest to Draco. He thanked the elf before waving it off. He picked up the sandwich from the plate and bit into it, not staring at me when I did the same. He must have known I wouldn't want to eat alone in front of him.

"You can't just forget to eat everyday, Alora. Skipping breakfast or lunch... I understand, but not eating for three days is not okay."

"I know."


"I know."

"Yaxley will be here soon, so do whatever else you need to do. Come find me when you're ready to go."


Draco left and took our dishes with him, leaving me alone in the bedroom. I brushed my teeth and touched up my makeup before standing tall and looking into the mirror. I lifted my shirt up slightly, examining the pale skin underneath it. After a few minutes, I couldn't stand to look at myself anymore, so I quickly turned away and fixed my shirt. I wasn't even hungry.

I walked out into the corridor and found Draco leaning against the wall adjacent to the door. He looked nice, cleaned up well. His usual black suit was pressed flat so there wasn't a single wrinkle and his black dress shoes didn't have a crease. The messy hair from fifteen minutes ago was gelled down flat and neatly placed.

"He's waiting in the lobby."

I didn't ask him to walk me down, but he did. I don't think he was going to because he hesitated but eventually followed behind me. When Mr. Malfoy and Yaxley saw us come out into the open room, they both smiled mischievously.

"There she is. Come on, we've got work to do."

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