chapter eighteen

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Alora Slater POV

I sat in my room, finally taking the time to examine the mark on my arm in detail. Every line, curve and hole I memorized. As disgusting and defaming as if was, it was beautiful at the same time. Intricate, well designed. Bellatrix would be coming soon, I had a feeling. The burning hadn't fully subsided yet but it was manageable.

When we had gotten home last night, I went straight to my room, I didn't feel like talking. Adrian tried to come and see me later in the night but I refused to see him. I wasn't his sister anymore, I was different. I felt different, I didn't think I would. I'm not entirely sure if it was a good or bad different yet.
It was nearing noon when I heard the familiar crack of apparation. My mother said a few incoherent words before coming up to my room to tell me to come down and greet our guest. Our guest. I pulled my sleeve down and walked down to the living room, seeing Bellatrix and all of her insanity waiting for me.

"There's my girl, ready to go?"

I nodded then waved goodbye to my mother before grabbing on the Bellatrix's arm. Instantly, we were twisting through time and space, stretching and turning until we landed on the ground. This place was unfamiliar but she seemed to know exactly where to go.

We were in a small, secluded town that appeared to be surrounded by a forest. It looked abandoned, there was no movement besides us trampling through the empty streets. She moved quickly and frantically, very hard to keep up with. Draco warned me about her last night, I think I'm prepared enough, at least for today.

She dragged my by the wrist into a run down brick building. I still had no idea what we were doing, where we were or how long we were staying. She was very ominous. We walked down a long flight of stairs and when we reached the bottom, I froze. There were countless people, all tied up to a pipe against the wall. Who were these people and what did they do to get themselves tied up? Actually, I think the better question is what were we about to do to them?

"Who are these people?" I asked.

"Traitors. You are going to teach them a lesson today."

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Well sweetheart," she dug her claws into my jaw and pulled my face up to hers, "You don't really get a choice."

"What spells do I use?"

"That's up to you, but make me proud. Start with that one."

She pointed her wand to a man sitting in the corner. He was frail and did not look well, at least I could think of this as putting him out of his misery. With a flick of my wand, he was on his feet. His knees wobbled under his weight and he was looking me in the eye, begging me to spare him.

"Go on," she urged.

"I can't."

"Don't be a baby, Slater. This is your life now, get used to it. Now, do it!" She roared.

I raised my wand but the man's eyes made my stomach feel like it was on fire. My hand trembled as I tried to figure out what spell I could use to make this as painless as possible, but no impressive spells were pain-free. I shook my head and stepped back. My arm slowly started falling, but before it could even hit my side, Bellatrix was raising hers.

"Avada Kedavra!" She yelled.

I shrieked and my hands flew to cover my mouth. The man's limp body crumpled to the ground in a heap, earning screams from the others. I backed up until I hit the wall, gripping my wand so hard my knuckles were turning white. She let out a chuckle before turning to me with an angry look on her face. This was not going to be good.

"You're naive, Slater. It's not going to help you now. I'm going to give you one last chance because you have potential. Now, her."

She ripped me off the wall and threw me forward so I was face to face with a child. She wanted me to hurt a kid. She was a little blonde girl who was far too skinny to be healthy. Her hand was holding another's, I assumed it was her mother. They were both crying, and I couldn't do it.

"I'm not going to kill a child."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I really am not."

"Think about what you're doing, I know you aren't a stupid girl."

"I'm not a ki-"

She cut me off midway through my sentence by grabbing my arm and pulling me through the world with her. She was probably bringing me to the Dark Lord right now to tell him how much of a mistake he made. My refusal to kill people was going to get me killed, just perfect. In this moment though, I'd rather be dead than kill a child. A child can't be a traitor, especially someone so young, so precious.

We apparated into what I now recognized as Malfoy Manor. She dragged me down the hallway, digging her nails into the still fresh wounds left from the Dark Lord. We were in a new room, it looked like the sitting area from the front room but it was different, a bit more open. There was also no front door.

Before I could ask her what we were doing here, she had knocked me back using Flipendo and I fell to the ground, my wand flying somewhere else. I felt some blood dripping down my arm, but I didn't get the chance to wipe it away because I heard her yell words I never wanted to be aimed at me.


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