chapter twenty six

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Alora Slater POV

We landed with a crack right outside of a telephone box. This was the visitors entrance, according to Yaxley. He grabbed my arm and roughly shoved me into the telephone box, closing the door after he entered as well. It was a bit of a tight fit, I was very uncomfortable standing so close to him.
We appeared in the Ministry a few moments later, surrounded by people who I assumed worked there. Yaxley was walking quickly, weaving in and out of the crowds, dodging everyone. I followed closely behind him, I couldn't let him out of my sight or I would be lost and swept away by the crowd. I'm sure a Death Eater wouldn't be welcomed in the Ministry.

When we finally broke through the crowd he pulled me down an empty corridor and kept walking at a rapid pace.

"Are you going to tell me what we're here for?" I questioned.

"Don't worry yourself, this is only our first stop. We're here for some... recon. This won't take long, just a quick preparation visit."

"So why am I here then?"

"You're going to get me in."

He grabbed me by the neck and directed me to the elevator, practically throwing me into it. After a minute trapped in the small moving box with him, the door opened and said the words:

"Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Go," he said, shoving me forward.

He sped up and lead me down the long, dark tile corridor. We reached a door at the end of it, the plaque on the door read "P. Thicknesse". Yaxley grinned and turned to me. I knew this man was the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, but there wasn't a sign on his door saying his title.

"Alright, now it's your turn. Find away to get in there and get me something we can use."


"Anything. Go."

Yaxley disappeared around the corner and I knocked a few times on the door. A few silent second went by before I heard the handle turn and the door opened quickly. A tall, slender man stood in the doorway staring down at him.

"How can I help you?"

"Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if you could point me to the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, I'm quite turned around in here."

"What is it that you need?"

"Well, I have some information I think he would find useful."

"I'm the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, what is this information."

"Well, I can't just tell anyone. How do I know I you're for real? There's been some crazy things happening lately, you never know who you can trust."

"Darling, I don't have time to play games."

"Me neither, and this information won't be valuable for long."

"What is it regarding?"

"The Dark Lord's plans."

His face went white and he pulled me into his office, slamming the door shut behind him. He mumbled a spell which I assume was Colloportus to lock the door and then sat down on the far side of the desk.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Raven Rowe. I'm a junior reporter for small reporting station in south London."

"And what do you want?"

"To know the Ministry's plans to stop the Dark Lord."

"That information is public knowledge, Miss Rowe."

"No, it really isn't. Everything the Prophet is spewing is garbage to comfort the public. I want to know what you, Mr. Thicknesse, are actually doing."

"I can't disclose that."

"Why not?"

"Like you said, you don't know who you can trust."

"I am quite wise for only being seventeen."

"How is it that you know the Dark Lord's plans? It's a little suspicious, no?"

"Not at all actually. A Death Eater was taken into custody by Aurors in my town just last week. Before being taken to Azkaban they interrogated him, and I was the scribe. However, this information expires in less than a week."

"And how do you know that it's even fact?"

"I'm a reporter, Mr. Thicknesse. I've done my research, I've spoke to my connections across the city."

"I cannot give you the information you seek."

"Then I'm afraid I can't either. You would be saving many lives though, it's a shame."

"Thats a crime, you know, withholding information."

"Do I look scared to you?"

He fell silent and stared at me, I stared back. I could see him squirming in his seat, trying to weigh the pros and cons of leaking confidential Ministry information. I was just a teenage reporter in a small town, what damage could I possibly do?

"We've hired and trained more Aurors, they're undercover throughout the country. They're disguised as muggles. With Lucius Malfoy out of Azkaban for the time being we've doubled up security in Wiltshire and have been monitoring all Magical travel in and around the area. We believe the Dark Lord has also been using some unorthodox tactics but is still meeting at the Manor."

"And why are your suspicions raised?"

"Two Hogwarts students were apparated out of Hogsmeade village yesterday morning and have not returned. We had intel from one of the undercover Aurors that many suspected Death Eaters were seen exiting the Manor last night. That's all I can say, your turn."

"The Dark Lord plans to make a statement this week. He is planning an attack on muggle communities throughout London and the surrounding area. I'm not sure exactly what day, but I can tell you it's soon and it's going to be memorable. I recommend you increase Auror presence in surrounding muggle towns."

"Who was the Death Eater you got this information from?"

"Selwyn. He wasn't taken to Azkaban though, got away at the last minute."

"And if your information proves false?"

"And if yours?"

"Fair enough. Goodbye, Miss Rowe, let's not meet again."

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