I'll teach you (Cute~ For Madison)

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Madison's P.O.V
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" My boyfriend, Cameron whispered in my ear.
"Even though you can't do this" He let out a little laugh.
"It's not funny" I gave him a dirty look. Cameron has been trying to teach me how to skateboard and it's not really working out. I fell 6 times. On my ass and on my back. But, hey, I'm not gonna give up. Even though I want to. Cam placed his hands on my waist and lightly pushed me, I tried to stay as balanced as I could.
"This is harder than it looks.." I admitted turning around to look at Cam.
"Baby practice makes perfect. And I suggest you don't turn around while on a skateboard" I turned back around and all I saw was a huge Palm tree. I closed my eyes shut and waited for the pain to hit me. But it didn't..
"Baby I got you" I felt Cameron's hot, minty breath on my face. I opened my eyes and got down.
"Thank you. I would have died if you weren't there to catch me" I said, turning around to face the tree and fetching Cameron's skateboard. I handed it back to him.
"Sorry for almost destroying your skateboard" I laughed.
"You didn't ruin it babe. Don't worry" He flashed me a smile. I leaned in and pressed a soft, sweet, and quick kiss on his lips.
"Thank you for being so patient with me. And willing to do this even thought you know how terrible I am" I joked.
"Baby your not terrible. Your a beginner, and my job, as your boyfriend is to always be there for you..." He trailed off leaning close to my face. He brushed his lips against mine and looked right in my eyes.
Damn his eyes are beautiful.
"Your beautiful" He winked.
"Did I say that out loud?" I questioned.
He laughed. "You did"
I looked down and blushed. Cameron placed his index finger and middle finger underneath my chin and lifted it up slightly.
"I love you Madison. You looked adorable trying to skateboard" He smiled.
"I almost died" I whispered. He laughed and leaned in to kiss me. Every time he kisses me, my stomach erupts with butterflies and I fall in love with him all over again.
"Okay let's get home" He said. It was getting pretty dark outside. I spotted a young couple with a baby.
"I really hope that's us one day" Cameron'a eyes followed mine. "I hope so too Madison"
Cameron placed his skateboard down. He stood on the edge of it.
"C'mon" He said. I stepped onto the front of the skateboard and before I knew it, Cameron had placed his foot on the concrete and pushed forward. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I closed my eyes and felt the wind hit my face as we left the park.

This was cute ☺️


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