For Eleonora +Cover Contest Winners!!

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Eleonora's P.O.V
"Dude that was sick!" Aaron said to Jack J.
"Let's do it again!"
Cameron and I decided to meet up with all the boys (including Mahogany and Maggie) and play laser tag.
"We're so much better" Maggie joked.
"Totally" I agreed. We both laughed. Maggie has always been there for me. And I love her. She's like my sister. Maggie hugged me.
"Eleonora your the apple of my eye" She said laughing hard. I laughed. She is so random.
"Hey babe" Cameron said coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Hey Cam" I kissed his cheek.
"Oooh" Maggie winked and walked away. We both laughed.
"Babe I'm gonna go bowling with Maggie" I said.
"Alright be careful. Do you want me to come?" Cameron said.
"It's okay" I pecked his lips and ran towards Maggie.
"Heyy" I said when I got there.
"Hey girl. Let's take a selfie before we start" She said. We both pulled out our phones and took a selfie. I posted mine to Instagram with the caption "Bowling with my love 💕"
"Alright Eleonora lets get this party started!" She exclaimed. I noticed Jack G looking at me from the air hockey table. Maggie slid the bowling ball and got a strike.
"YES!" She exclaimed jumping on me.
"You go Maggie!" I said catching her. I put her down.
"Alright your turn" I took a ball and hit all the pins except for 2.
"Aww baby" Maggie pouted.
"Uh Eleonora do you want me to help you?"
I turned around. It was Jack G.
"Sure. Thanks Jack"
He smiled.
"No problem" Maggie stepped back.
Jack walked behind me and positioned his hand right on mine. He met his fingers up to the holes on the ball. He put his other hand on my waist. This felt.... I actually don't know how to react to this.
"And then you do this.." Jack said sliding the ball across the isle and getting a strike.
"Thanks Jack!" I exclaimed hugging him. He hugged back tight.
"Anytime Eleonora"
When I pulled away I saw Cameron clenching his jaw near the air hockey table. Oh lord. He made his way down to Maggie, Jack and I.
"Hey guys" He said casually.
"Hey Cameron" Maggie said.
"Hey baby" He said kissing me passionately. I pulled away.
"Sorry" I apologized to Maggie and Jack. Maggie gave me a look. A look meaning that she knows what's going on. Jack looked down awkwardly.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink. Want some?" Maggie asked me.
"Jack why don't you come with me?" Maggie said.
They both walked to the snack bar.
"What the hell Eleonora!"
Cameron broke out.
"Why were you flirting with him?"
"Cameron I was not flirting-"
"I saw the way he had his hands all over you. And when I offered you help you didn't take it"
"Babe I didn't know I'd be that bad" I admitted.
"I want to kill that m-"
"Alright let's not swear"
"Eleonora I'm sorry for accusing you for flirting. I'll admit, I kinda got jealous" Cameron said.
"It's okay. Please just trust me next time. And I will always love you baby. No need to get jealous"
He nodded.
"Can I have a kiss?" He asked.
"No need to ask" I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Hey guys! I really hope you liked this Eleonora! Alright guys so here is the order that I'm going to be changing the book over in.... I actually wrote the usernames down and put them in my cousins hat 😂😂 I got a total of 5 submitted but the 2 people changed their mind so I'm left with 3. I appreciate all of your work that you guys have put into the covers of you sent one to me. And I will be changing the covers after every 2 weeks. And if you didn't get a chance to send it in, once all the covers had had had a chance to be the cover of this book, I'll start a new contest 😊 Anyways.. Here it is.....
The first person to have their cover on this book is........
@alegarcia! (Your second cover that you sent in)
Congrats girl!

The next person to get their cover on this book is......

Congratulations to you guys! DM me for your imagines! You guys should follow them cause they're awesome. And if your interested in being a part of this, I'll notify you guys and then you can send it to me and see your cover for this book, on the book! That made no sense. Anyways ily guys 💜


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