Gone ||

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Gone part 2

Your P.O.V
Beeping. I heard beeping. What was up? What the hell? I opened my eyes and tried to sit up. I was in a hospital room. I looked down at my body. No wonder everything hurt so bad. I was certain I broke at least 2 body parts.
I tried to look outside of the window. All I saw was a little part of Nick's face.
"Ms. Y/L/N" A voice said.
I looked up at the door.
"Your awake"
Someone who appeared to be the doctor said.
"Um yeah I am" I gave him a slight smile.
"I'm Dr. Evans. If you have trouble remembering what happened to you, I'll give you a little refresher" He says. I leaned back onto the bed, which was extremely uncomfortable I must add.
"O-okay" I say.
"An 18 wheeler hit you as you were crossing the road Ms. Y/L/N. You were almost pronounced dead at the spot. But you survived. The police officers that were at the scene found your phone and called the first person that you last communicated with and he's outside at the moment,"
Dr. Evans says. He's probably talking about Nick.
"And the other person we wouldn't reach forward to"
"Thank you for that. Can I please see Nick?" I ask.
"Of course" He smiles and walks out of the room. Moments later, Nick practically ran into the room.
"Y/N what the hell happened?" He asks.
"I left the house to get the mail and then a truck came out of no where and-"
Nick hugged me, cutting me off. "I'm so glad your okay. I don't know what I would've done without you. Your my best friend Y/N"
I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Have you called Cameron?" I whispered.
"The cops tried to reach him and so did I, but he's not picking his phone up. Oh and here's your phone" He handed me my phone. It was turned off. I turned it on and got a text from Cameron.

Cameron 💕
I think we should stay friends. This whole long distance relationship thing won't work out. I'm sorry. But I think we should part ways.

I blinked away tears and showed it to Nick.
"What an asshole" He whispered under his breath. I can't believe he just ended things. I thought we were meant to be. Everything felt so real. Everything. I thought he was the one.
I couldn't control the tears. They kept on coming and coming.
"He got sick of me"
I whispered.
"He doesn't know what he's missing out. Your beautiful and deserve someone so much better" Nick whispered in my eyes. I closed my eyes. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't open my eyes.
I don't even think he knows where I am right now or what happened.
"When can I go home?" I ask.
"Tomorrow morning. You've been here for 3 days" Nick answered.
"Oh okay" 
I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. I can't believe I'm in a hospital, my loving (ex) boyfriend broke up with me, and I almost died. I thought I had died.
At this point I almost wished to close my eyes and not to open them again. Ever again.
Today is the day I go home. Finally. A part of me doesn't want to. But the again I'm quite happy that I'm going home. Nick gave me a ride and even offered to stay with me. But I refused. His girlfriend Kenna came all the way from Newfoundland to visit him and I'm not ruining everything for him. I only have a broken wrist and everything else is taken care of. I'll be fine. When I finally found my keys in my purse, I unlocked the door to my house. The second I turned around after locking my door, he was sitting down.

Cliffhanger 😏 I've been super busy with all of the requests and packing for my London trip! I'm also working on a new chapter for my book :)


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