A New Beginning (For Vanessa)

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Vanessa's P.O.V
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. How am I gonna tell Cam? Me and Cameron have been dating for 2 years, and I just found out that I was pregnant. I wish he stays with me. I can't do this alone.
I heard the front door open and close. Here goes nothing.
"Hey babe" Cameron says kissing my cheek.
"Hey" I said with no emotion.
"What's wrong?" He said sitting next to me on the couch.
"I need to tell you something" I blurted out. Cam grabbed my hand.
"Okay. Is it something bad?" He asked.
"It depends on how you take it" I answer.
Cameron looked at me for a second.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant" I said, with my eyes closed.
He let go of my hand.
"You're-you're pregnant?"
He looked at me shocked.
"I took 4 tests. And they all came out positive" I said, only so quietly.
"Vanessa I don't know what to say"
Cameron sighed and closed his eyes.
"Vanessa I love you a lot. But I don't think I can-"
"You can what? Cameron this is our baby. Your the father. The baby can't grow up without a father in its life!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry Vanessa. I really am" Cameron began to get up.
"Are you gonna leave me now?!" I got up.
"I'm sorry" He said.
"You said you loved me. That was a lie. Our entire relationship was a lie" I exclaimed very furious. Cameron looked at me in the eyes. He turned around and walked out without another word said. I honestly thought he would be supportive. I ran upstairs and started to pack all of my belongings. I'll give my baby everything. Everything it takes.
~ 11 months later~
"I'm coming honey. It's okay"
I say. I picked up my one month old daughter in my hands. She's beautiful. Her name's Alessandra Anne Dallas. Yes, her last name is Dallas. I decided to keep Cameron's last name for my daughter. It's been tough raising a baby on my own. Having to wake up on your own to get her in the middle of the night, knowing that you don't have anyone to depend on. Alessandra finally calmed down. I kissed her forehead. She was so beautiful. Me and my best friend Marlene were planning on going to the mall today. I haven't left the house since Alessandra was born. Except for like doctor appointments. First I got Alessandra ready. I put on a really cute pink floral dress with cute pink shoes. It looked adorable, trust me. Then for me, I wore a blue romper and gold sandals. I decided to straight my hair real quick and apply light makeup.
"Isn't this cute?" Marlene asked. She was holding up a neon pink romper.
"Too bright" I said, going back to browsing. At the moment we were in H&M. I haven't really shopped in ages. It's been forever.
"I'm never gonna find perfect clothes" Marlene complained.
"Stop complaining" I laughed.
"I'm not complaining" She defended.
I signed and shook my head. Alessandra started fussing in her stroller.
"I'll get her" Marlene says.
Marlene unbuckled her and picked Ally up. Ally immediately stopped crying and looked at Marlene.
"This is so cute" Marlene said smiling back down at Ally.
I laughed. "She really is a cutie" I say.
"Gone after her aunt" Marlene said.
I laughed.
So we decided to get something to eat. We found a Starbucks but the only entrance was outside of the mall so we had to walk outside.
Marlene was pushing Alessandra's stroller. Marlene ordered for us and I found us a seat. I pulled Ally's stroller next to me and placed all of the shopping bags in the space under the stroller. Marlene came back with cake pops and frappes.
"You know me too well" I said.
She laughed. I picked up Alessandra and put her in my lap.
"Grab me that blanket. I'm gonna feed her" I said to Marlene.
Marlene tossed me Ally's pink blanket. I gently put it over my chest and Ally. I lifted up my shirt and began to feed her. She happily took it. 
"She drinks from a bottle right?" Marlene asked, sitting down in front of me.
"Yeah but since she's still really young I like to feed her mine most of the time" I say. Marlene nods. She did a double take, looking at the door.
"W-what is it?" I ask. Marlene looked at me, and then to the door. I turned around in my seat. Oh my god. It was Cameron. He walked in with Ethan Dolan.
"I hate him I can't even look at him Vanessa" Marlene says. I still kept watching. I can't believe he's actually in the same place as me. But he looks so happy, how? Because of him an innocent baby will grow up without a father in her life.
Oh shit.
"Um hey Ethan" I say.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Marlene says.
"Is that a baby?" He asked in shock. Alessandra stopped drinking. I put my shirt back down and tossed the blanket in the stroller.
"Um yeah" I said.
"You moved on fast" He says.
"She's Cameron's" I say.
"No way. Cameron is a father? Why isn't he with you then?" Ethan asked in shock.
"He didn't wanna take responsibility for his child. So I'm raising her alone" I say.
"I'm sorry about that. Can I see her?" he asked. I nodded. I gave Ally over to Ethan. He supported her head properly.
"She's adorable" Ethan said smiling. Ally smiled right back at him. She made little noises and Ethan kissed her nose.
"Ethan where'd you g-"
Oh great. Cameron.
He froze. "V-Vanessa?"
I looked away. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cameron's eyes landing on Ally.
"Is-is this o-our-?"
"No. She's my daughter. Not yours" I say. Cameron continued to look at Ally in Ethan's arms. Ally looked at Cameron. She smiled and made little cute noises.
"Can I please hold her?" Cameron asked. I sighed.
I guess Cameron thought that was a yes. Ethan handed Ally over to Cameron. Cameron smiled at the infant in his arms. Ally smiled and moved her little body around. She squirmed for a bit and then she was still. Marlene came back and sat down next to me. 
"Why is he holding her?" she whispered.
"I don't know" I whispered back.
"Do you wanna sit with us?" Marlene said all of a sudden.
"What are you doing?!" I whispered/yelled at her.
"Watch" She whispered back.
"She's so beautiful. What's her name?" Cameron asked.
"Alessandra" I reply.
Cameron looked up. He knew that we always wanted to name our first daughter that. I looked away. I don't wanna give Cameron another chance. I really don't. He doesn't deserve it. He put me and his daughter through hell. He can't just come back and except me to forgive him like that.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Marlen give Ethan a signal, and they both walked away. Oh my god. This was planned wasn't it?
"Vanessa I'm sorry. I know you probably wanna punch me in my face, and I deserve it. I'm sorry I put you and Alessandra through so much pain. Neither of you deserved it. But, can be please be in her life? If you don't wanna try again with me, I understand. But please let me be in her life" Cameron said.
"You can be in her life" I say. "But not in mine"
Cameron looked at Ally.
"Daddy's sorry. I hope you forgive me princess. I hope your mommy forgives me too. I never stopped loving her. I always will love her. No matter what. I will never love anyone else" Cameron said kissing Ally's hand.
I say. Cameron looked at me.
"You have one more chance. That's it" I say.
Cameron smiled.
"A new beginning?" He says.
"A new beginning"

Hey guys! I'm finally back in Canada so expect more updates!!

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