For Alexandria

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Alexandria's P.O.V

This is the day. The day I'm going to marry the love of my life. Cameron Alexander Dallas.

"You ready Alexandria?"

I turned around to see my best friend and one of the bridesmaids, Vanessa.

"Ready as I'll ever be"

I smiled. She returned it.

"I'm so happy for you Alexandria"

She said. I smiled. I placed a hand on my stomach. I'm pregnant. I can't wait to tell Cam. He always talked about having kids.

"Let's go my princess"

My dad said from the door. I nodded. I looked in the mirror of the church one last time (Ariana 💜😍). I took my dad's arm.

"My baby's growing up"

He said.

"I love you dad"

"I love you too"

I hugged his arm.

The music started to play. We walked to the isle and stopped. I smiled at everyone. Cameron looked right at me. He basically checked me out. I laughed slightly. My dad started to walk. When we reached to where Cameron and the other man (the dude that's does the vows and stuff. Sorry I'm not Christian or anything so I don't know anything about this). My dad whispered something into Cameron's ear. Cameron nodded and said "I will"

Cameron looked at me and smiled, taking my hands.

"I love you" He mouthed.

"I love you too"

I mouthed back.

*Skipping what the dude says*

"I know pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Cameron leaned in and kissed me with so much passion. Everyone cheered.

"I love you"

I said.

"I love you too" He said. Adding, "My beautiful wife"

I blushed.

*At the eating part*

"Can the dance floor be cleared for the father daughter dance?"

The DJ said. Everyone cleared off. My dad took my hand. We walked to the dance floor and started to dance.

"I can't believe this day has finally come"

My dad said.

I smiled.

"I still remember the day you were born. Smaller than my hand"

He said with tears in his eyes. I smiled at him.

"It's alright dad. I'll always be your little girl"

He smiled.

"I'm so glad to have you as my daughter, Alexandria"

*After the dance*

"Now it's time for the newly wedded couple"

The DJ said. My dad let go of my hand and walked back to the tables. Cameron walked up to me and took my hand.

"I can't believe this is happening"

He said as we both danced together. All eyes were on us.

"Me neither. But I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you"

I whispered. He smiled.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too"

Here you go! I really hope you liked this Alexandria! love you guys! requests are open 💜


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