For Bunnyshinegirl

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Your P.O.V
This is it. The day I've been waiting for. My dream was to always become a singer. An inspiration. An idol. And this is why I'm auditioning for The X-Factor.
"Babe your gonna kill it"
I heard familiar voice behind me say.
"Thank you Cameron"
My boyfriend Cameron, Cameron Dallas has always been there for me. Supporting me, cheering me on. He made a trend on Twitter today. #Y/N'sgottheXfactor. Words can't describe how much I love him. A lot of people have been telling me to audition. I always sung for plays, musicals etc. Singing is what I like to do.
"Your up"
I huge bald man said to me with a smile. I nodded.
"Good luck kid"
"Thank you"
I turned around to give Cameron a quick kiss. I waved to my family from the stairs. As soon as I walked up on the stage the crowd began to cheer. I smiled and just kept walking.
"Hi!" Demi said. I can't believe she's talking to me. Holy Crap.
"What's your name?"
She asked with a smile.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from Boca"
The crowed cheered again.
"Who came to support you today?"
"My boyfriend-"
"Wait, aren't you dating Cameron Dallas?"
The crowd went wild.
I laughed.
"Oh okay haha. What are you gonna sing for us today?"
Simon took a sip of his coke.
"Chandelier by Sia" I said.
"Alright fire ball, fire away"
I laughed. The music started and I felt myself feel the music and let it flow in me. Demi was smiling and so was Pauluna ( I think that's how you spell her name). Once I finished the crowd went wild. I could feel the tears in my eyes.
"Wow that was brilliant"
Pauluna said.
"Thank you"
"That was amazing. Your so talented and I think you have the X factor"
Demi said.
"I liked it but I think your too young and you have your whole life in front of you. You have other position and you will have other chances. I'm sorry but it's a no"
Simon said. I tried to hold my tears back. The crowed booed.
"I loved it"
Pauluna said. "It's a yes from me"
"I think you need to work on it a little it more. Your very young and this is the perfect age for this. But today will have to be a no"
The other girl said (forgot her name :/).
I nodded.
"You have 2 yes's. I'm sorry but I hope to see you soon"
Demi said. I nodded and smiled. I walked backstage. Everyone's faces were so gloomy.
"Hey it's gonna be alright"
Cameron said. I fell into his arms.
"I hate everything"
"No baby I love you. Everything's gonna be alright"
My family all came up and hugged me.
"It's fine"
I'd say when they hugged me.
I returned back into the arms of my boyfriend. Maybe next time.

Guys I am so sorry I haven't updated. I have a lot of things going on and I completely lost track. But I'm back now! and if you guys DM me I'll probably not see it cause for some reason Wattpad doesn't let me see it. I know that you guys sent it but it won't let me see it. So if you want an imagine please comment or DM me on Twitter or Instagram or something. I love you guys. I'm working on a request that will be up later today. I promise. 💜💜💜


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