For Caitlin

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For Caitlin:

Caitlin's P.O.V
"I'm scared"
Cam said for the millionth time.
"Baby calm down he's just my brother" I said. Cameron sighed.
"But he seems like the type-"
"Babe he's just overprotective. Don't worry about it" I said fixing my earring.
"You ready?"
"I-I guess" He said.
"Let's go then" I said taking his hand. Cam smiled nervously.
My brother had come from Seattle just to visit me. And he wanted to meet Cameron and he is over protective of me. He always has.
"Caitlin baby what if he doesn't like me?" He asked once we got into his car.
"Who cares what he thinks?" I said.
"He's your brother. I care what he thinks" He said.
"Don't worry babe" I said. Cam started the car and we headed to my brother, Mike. I could tell Cam was nervous cause of the way he was acting. Once we got there Cam opened the door for me and we walked to the doorstep hand in hand.
"Hey sis!" Mike said once he opened the door.
"Hey Mike!" I said. He pulled me in for a hug.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm wonderful" I said.
"Oh this is my boyfriend Cameron" I sad motioning towards Cameron.
"Hi I'm Mike, her brother. Please come in" He said. Cameron smiled nervously.
"H-Hi it's Glice to meet you"
"Glice?" He said.
"Sorry I was gonna say good b-but I said n-nice"
Awww my baby.
"Well bro, come inside" Mike said.
Me and Cam walked inside and sat down on the couch.
"Cat go and make food I gotta talk to Cameron"
I sighed. "Why do I have to make the food?"
"Sorry sis" He smirked.
I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

Cameron's P.O.V
If I said that I wasn't scared right now, I'd be lying.
"What's wrong?" Mike asked with a smirk.
"N-Nothing" I said.
"I'm gonna make this quick" He said.
"Cat is my baby sister and I've always loved her more than anything. And she's been hurt before and honestly I gave that boy a very good lesson. You don't wanna know how he ended up. Well in the ER" He winked.
"If you hurt her, I will grab you by your neck and-"
"THE FOOD IS READY!!" Caitlin called from the kitchen.
"Don't hurt her, you got me?" I nodded.
"Alright now come and give me hug bro" I laughed. I walked over and did a bro hug thing with Mike.
"What's up Mike?"
"You still know how to cook amazing you prick"

Caitlin's P.O.V

"Yeah Yeah whatever" I said to Mike.
"Cameron?" Mike said.
"Your girlfriend is an amazing cook"
Cam smiled.
"She's amazing at everything"
He smiled at me. I looked down and blushed.

I scratched my screen :(. It sucks. You can't really tell but it still stucks. It's not that big. But sorry for the wait Caitlin and I hope you liked it! Oh and requests are now closed! I'm sorry but they will be up again soon. I'll inform you guys when. :)


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