Hate/Cheating Part 1

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Your P.O.V
I stood in front of Cameron and Nash's apartment door. I looked around my purse and I finally found my phone. God. I was about to ring the doorbell when I heard Nash mention my name.
"All of these are hate towards Y/N. Wow these are bad. Well this comment says, 'Y/N is just using you Cameron. She's fat and ugly. Get that through the thick skull of yours'" Nash said. Ouch.
"That's not cool. Call me whatever but just don't call my girl-"
I rang the doorbell. I'm just here to drop off some food for the boys. Seconds later Nash opened the door.
"Oh Y/N? Hey!" He said.
"Hey Nash" I faked a smile. He moved a side and let me in.
"I brought you guys some food" I said. Cameron looked up from his laptop.
"Hey baby" He said.
"Hi babe" He signalled me to come over.
"No Cam your making a video I don't want to-"
"No baby come on they don't bite-"
"But they do thing I'm fat, ugly and just using you don't they?" I said. Tears were threatening to spill. Why do I get hate for loving someone? Is that a crime? Cameron sighed.
"Nash can we do the video later?"
"Sure bud. I want to eat anyways" He said.
Cameron walked to where I was standing. He cupped my face in his hands.
"I love you so much you know that right?" He said.
"Yeah. I love you too"
"This is our relationship. Just me and you. No one else-"
"AND ME" Nash yelled which made me giggle slightly.
"Nash shut up!" Cam said. He leaned in and kissed me. His warm luscious lips are something that I crave all day, everyday. He pulled away.
"You have to promise me that you won't let it get to you. I love you so much. We have to stay strong. Okay?"
I pecked his lips.
"Now that all the drama is over, LETS EAT" Nash exclaimed. We all laughed and dug in.
"Oh Cameron, we have to make that video tomorrow cause I have a family thing in an hour" Nash said as he packed his camera and everything that goes with it.
"Yeah alright"
"Well speaking of that, I'm gonna go get ready. As for you guys..." Nash ran upstairs. "DONT FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!!"
"Cam!!" I exclaimed hitting his chest playfully.
"Sorry babe" He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"So what do you wanna do?" He asked.
"I don't know-"
"OOOH I'll call over Lizzie" Cam said taking out his phone.
"Ew no I don't like her" I said. It's true she's such a slut.
"Okay fine. But she's still my friend" He said. My head shot up as I hears the doorbell.
"Can I get it?"
"Sure babe don't need to ask" He said. I walked to the door and opened it. No way. No no no no no.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Well, excuse me Lizzie, this is my boyfriends apartment" I said.
Who does she think she is?
She pushed past me and hugged Cameron.
"Did you invite her?"
"No I didn't" I sighed. Well this is gonna be great.
"O M G!! Cameron you have gotten cuter!" She squealed in her annoying slutty voice. I H A T E HER. She tried to break me and Cam up so many times and she still does. I honestly don't know why he's friends with her. How can he not see how fake she is?
"Guys I'm leaving. You two use protecti-" I turned around. It was Nash. His eyes stopped at the Queen of Sluttiness.
"Uh I'm gonna go you guys have fun" He gave Cam a 'bro' hug, and hugged me normally.
"So what do you wanna do?" she asked.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom I'll be right back..." Cameron said awkwardly. He quickly slipped away.
"Listen here you bitch, Cameron will be mine. He loves me not some fat cow like you. Watch and see" Ouch. That kinda hurt. I felt tears in my eyes and I did my best to hold them in. The saddest part is that, maybe she's right.
"Alright I'm back. Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Cameron asked.
"I'm gonna grab some chips from Nash's room" I said.
"How do you know they're in there?" He asked.
"Cause she's a fat bitch" Lizzie said under her breath. I looked at her. I hate her so much.
"He told me" I was about to walk away when I felt something magical touch my lips. Cameron's lips.
"I love you so much princess"
"I love you too Cammy boo"
He laughed and let go of my hand. I walked to Nash's room. Alright where could the chips be... AHA! In the closet. I grabbed them and walked back to where Lizzie and Cameron were. I stopped dead in my tracks. No. No this is not happening. Cameron and Lizzie were kissing. I dropped the bag of chips. Cam was struggling to get her off of him.
"No baby it's not what it looks like"
"I knew you liked her"
"No baby please listen-"
I grabbed my purse and ran past them to my car. I can't believe it.

Cameron and Lizzie were kissing.

Hi :) I hope you liked this one. And this is only part 1.


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