Cute for Valerie

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Cute for Valerie.

Valerie's P.O.V

"How many kids do you wanna have?"

Cameron asked.

"What? Babe why are you asking?" I laughed.

"It's just a question" He chuckled.

"I don't know. I'll worry about that when I have a kid"

He laughed.

"When WE have kids" Cameron corrected.

"True baby" I kissed his cheek.

"You know how I cut Hayes' hair?" I said.


"I messed up at the bottom"

Cameron bursted out laughing.

"You can't see it though!" I spoke in my defence.

"Your adorable" He said. I laughed.

"Remember that time when I kicked Nash in his balls by accident?"

I laughed.

"I remember"

This is nice. Spending time with my wonderful boyfriend. Lying down on the couch on top of my gorgeous boyfriend. What more could a girl want?



"I love you"

I smiled. We've been together for 3 years and I still get butterflies when I hear him say that.

"I love you too Cam"

"You look beautiful today" He said, kissing my hand.

"Thank you babe"

"I've wanted to tell you something"

"Go on" I said. Cameron rolled off of the couch.

"Let's go to the beach" He said.

"The beach?"

"Yeah get your shoes on. I'll be waiting in the car princess" he said slipping on his shoes and walking out the front door. Wonder what he's up to. I walked to the door and slipped on some moccasins. Cameron was in the car. I shook my head and laughed. I wonder what this will be about. I got in and Cam started to drive.

"Hey can you text Nash and say Code CV?"


I did as I was told. Cameron held my hand and kissed it.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said.

"But what's this about?"

"Babe I'll tell you later" He said.

I sighed. The car soon came to a stop.

"Close your eyes" Cameron said. I did as I was told. I felt Cam wrap something around my head to cover my eyes.

"Babe what's this?" I whined.

"Valerie don't worry okay?" He said.

I nodded. I heard the door open and close.

"C'mon" Cam said. He grabbed my hand. I still had trouble waking.

"You know what? Forget this" He said. I felt myself being lifted.

"Cam you are very confusing at times"

I could tell he was smiling but I wasn't so sure cause Taylor's bandana was covering my eyes. We were walking for about a minute when Cameron stopped. I'm pretty sure we were at the beach. I could hear the waves hit the shore. Cam put me down.

"When I say so, take the bandana off and turn around" He said. I nodded.

"Alright. Take it off"

I took it off. We were at the beach! I looked around me. Cam had done all this? There were flower pedals and a table for 2 near the water. I turned around. Cameron was on one knee with a gorgeous ring in a velvet case in his hand. I gasped.


He smiled.

"Valerie, we've been together for 3 years. Almost 4. I do not regret anything about it. I'm actually glad that I spilled my coffee on you the day we met. I don't want anyone else. I want you. Words can't even describe how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Have kids, grow old together and watch them have their very own kids. Will you marry me?"

By now I was full on sobbing. I couldn't talk so I just nodded.

"I love you so much" I said. Cameron slipped the ring on my finger and spun me around. "I love you so much" He said.

"I love you too"

We sealed our love with a passionate kiss.

Here ya go! I hope you liked it Valerie! This is the last request that I'm going to do. Just for a bit. I'll tell you guys when requests will open again. Also make sure to follow and read my friend Ceren's (CerenOnal) books. She's also a very good writer. Thank you for 35k! You guys are amazing! also for the Q and A how do you want me to answer the questions? Do you want to tweet me them? Or private message me them.....?


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