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Your P.O.V

"Cam he's just a friend!" I explained to Cameron, my boyfriend of 2 years.

"You guys have been hanging out for 2 weeks every single damn day and as your boyfriend what the hell do you think I'm supposed to think?!" He yelled getting up from the couch that I was sitting on.

"You think that, that I'm cheating on you?" I said in disbelief.

"Why else am I supposed to think!?" He said.

"Cameron your supposed to trust me. We're dating. Your my boyfriend. We're supposed to trust each other" I said. Cameron sighed.

"I didn't think you were like this" He said.

"Like what?!"

"I DIDNT THINK THAT YOU'D BE A FUCKING CHEATER!" He yelled. I've never seen him this mad before. Ever. I could feel tears in my eyes.

"And now your gonna cry about it" He scoffed and sat down on one of the bar chairs and put his head in my hands. Cameron found an article today with the headline "Vine star, Cameron Dallas' girlfriend caught cheating?"

With a picture of me and my best guy friend from high school hugging and Cameron is jumping to conclusions. The door bell rang. I sighed. I wiped my tears and got up to answer it. It was Mike. My best friend.

"Hey Y/N. I saw the article I hope that Cameron didn't jump to conclusions or anything" He said.

"Too late for that" I said. Mike's eyes widened.

"This can't be good" He said. Cameron appeared in the doorway.

"Oh look Y/N it's your boyfriend" He said.

"Cameron we don't have anything going on. Y/N was just comforting me. I found out that I like guys too and I didn't know who to tell so I told Y/N cause she gets me and understands. I'm sorry because of me you guys are arguing" Mike said. Cameron looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I looked in his eyes and walked away to our bedroom. Minutes later I heard the bedroom door open.

"Baby?" I heard him say.

"What? Did you find another article?"

He sighed.

"I'm sorry. I admit I got jealous. Your mine. You mean the world to me. When I saw the article I just panicked thinking that you'd leave me for someone better" He said.

"Cameron I will never. Your all I want and all I need" I said.

"I'm sorry" He said.

"It's okay"

He kissed my lips.

"I'm so glad I have you" He said.

"Me too babe"

Hey guys! I hope you like this imagine. In the comments please tell me how you guys want to ask me the questions for the Q and A. Love you!


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