A warning!

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Am back😁

Handsome's POV

Beauty was sleeping due to the anesthesia she was injected . A single glance at her,one will know that she is really fighting for her life, she's even having difficulty breathing.
She was being given first aid and I thank God that she will be able to hang in there till we arrive.
I turned my face from her side and looked at kamal who was looking all worried and devastated as if he was the one in pain.

"Kam is everything alright you look very worried?" I asked him raising my eyebrow demanding for an explanation

"Xeed you just won't understand am feeling her pain, am afraid something might happen to her" He said fiddling with his fingers and his eyes were very moist
I looked at him scrutinizing his whole situation

"As in you are worried about her and all this situation you are in , is because of her?"
I said unbelievably shaking my head in disappointment
He just looked at me and shooked his head giving me that look that says you just won't understand
And with that none of us said a word again

We finally landed and she was rushed to the hospital
I brought out my phone from my butt pocket and called Firstluv before telling her all that happened .
In less that thirty minutes she was standing in front of me looking all disquieted and perturbed

"I knew my forebodings can turn out to be true ,I sensed something was going to be wrong. Didn't I told you to take care of her,how could you let this happen to her...how.." Her words broke off ,hot tears streamed down her eye, she squeezed her eyelids shut in the hope her tears would stop

And the tears kept rolling down her eyes
I lowered down my head as I caught a lump in my throat

" Firtsluv this isn't my fault at all ... I said trying my best to explain

"  Just shut the hell up there's nothing you can say to prove yourself right...
And with her saying that I just find myself hugging her tight

" Please calm down and stop crying ,she will be alright " I said gently patting her back
Her chopping breathing and watery eyes remained for a while before she jerked her body away from mine

" How do you except me to calm down, what do you expect me to tell her parents especially her father's family ..that am not capable of taking care of her ..huhh??
Do you know how much I loved that girl to the extent that I can't afford to lose her.." she shrieked

"She's in the A & E" I just said and turned leaving the whole hospital
It was really suffocating,I won't be able to add more minutes in that place. Firstluv has never scolded me the way she did today and all because of that worthless and lousy girl
I felt my abhorrence for her multiplying itself,she was the cause of all those words from  Firstluv and I will surely show her what it meant.
At that moment I felt terribly bad and exasperated. In front of my own very eyes,Firstluv said that she loves her and can't afford to lose her
I believe next time she will be saying something that my ears can't afford to hear
The moment Firstluv say she loves that girl more than me by Allah things will surely go awry and I will make sure of that.
I don't care if she lose  her memory In fact I will be glad if that happens.
I went straight home
Taking tentative steps,I ambled into my room
I flung my car key carelessly on the bed and stripped off my cloth
I seriously need a comforting shower.a shower that will wash away all my sorrows,uneasiness and calm me down.
After showering I quietly laid down on my bed
The beds trill, sweetly high,the chorus as playful as the birds themselves. During times like this,these birds  that are always on the trees surrounding my home usually take a toll to comfort me
With closed eyes I imagined their music to be colors painting stairs in the same way grapevines grow
In the calm of the day, my heartbeat is the steady drum to their melody and I sleep into the moment,blocking away all thoughts allowing myself to climb those rainbow stairs.

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