Wires of pain❤️‍🩹

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I jolted awake, my eyes snapping open as the memories of the previous night surged into my consciousness. Cursing under my breath, I shot up from my prone position, ignoring the relentless pounding in my head.

"Damn it! I messed it up," I muttered, shoving the duvet aside as I rushed to her room. The throbbing headache was nothing compared to the guilt gnawing at me.

The sound of the shower running told me she was in the bathroom, and every second of waiting felt like an agonizing eternity. Patience had never been my strong suit, and I contemplated barging in just to catch a glimpse of her. It was the only way I could find some peace in this chaos.

Finally, minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, each step she took a painful, tentative effort. She limped, leaning heavily against the wall for support as she made her way to the bed. My heart sank as I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to bear the sight of her battered body any longer.

Her once vibrant appearance had been marred by the brutality of the abuse I had rendered on her. I hate abusive men,but I had turned out to be one.
The purplish bruises that now adorned her skin painted a grim picture of the horrors she had endured. Her normally radiant face was etched with pain, and her eyes, once filled with life, now held a haunting emptiness.

With a heavy sigh, I spoke softly, my voice laced with regret and concern, "I'm so sorry, Beauty. I should have protected you. We need to talk about this, about what happened."

Beauty's gaze met mine, and there was an unmistakable rage in her eyes, replacing the emptiness I had seen earlier. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath, her voice trembling with anger and pain.

"You!" she spat out, her words dripping with venom. "You did this to me. You're the cause of all this pain." Her voice cracked, and fresh tears welled up in her eyes. "I never thought you could stoop this low."

I winced at her words, the weight of my actions pressing down on me like a leaden burden. I had caused her this agony, and I couldn't deny it.

But I couldn't just stand by and watch her suffer either. Determination welled up inside me as I took a step closer to her. "Beauty, I know I messed up, but I can't leave you like this. Let me at least apply some balm to your bruises, and we'll get you to the hospital. You need medical attention."

She pulled away from my outstretched hand, her face contorted with anger. "I don't want your help, and I certainly don't want you touching me. You've done enough." She seethed anger and hatred evident in her tone.

I tried to keep my voice steady, despite the pain of her words. "Please, Beauty, just let me make this right. We can figure out what to do next, but you can't go on like this."

She shook her head vehemently, her resolve unyielding. "I don't want to see you ever again in my life. You're dead to me." With that, she turned away from me, curling into herself on the bed, as if trying to shield herself from any further harm.

I stood there, helpless and broken, knowing that I had caused irreparable damage not only to her body but to our relationship as well.

The fear of First Luv finding out about what had transpired weighed heavily on me, but I couldn't let Beauty suffer any longer. Desperation coursed through my veins as I continued to beg her, my voice trembling.

"Beauty, please reconsider. I can't bear the thought of you in pain like this. Let me make things right, just this once," I pleaded, my eyes filled with remorse.
I couldn't believe that I was begging her,letting my ego down. But then I was at fault!
But also how many times was I at fault? Did I begged then too? Sure something has changed maybe in my heart or just maybe clouded in my thoughts.
She turned to me, her gaze still filled with anger, but perhaps a glimmer of doubt crossed her face. However, she remained resolute in her refusal.

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