Broken pieces ❤️‍🩹

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It's been three days already since that event unfolded,since the truth was known to me.
The experience I went through was such a terrible one,I couldn't be my old self despite everything.
It was just a new chapter was added to the story of my life.

First luv was so worried about me and I hate myself for making her worry.
I didn't want to repeat the same situation I got into,back in the past when I was young. Which is why I was trying so hard to stay as rigid as ever.
I had to snap out of it all and face reality, first of all I can't undo what had already happened and secondly there's something I need to fulfill..
My phone had been switched off for as good as three days,Kamal must have been trying my contact. Only if he wasn't out of the country,I would have seen him since day one.
Yesterday Amish and the rest came over to see if I was alright,I appreciated their care. I told them about what happened because what are friends for? To share each other's happiness and sadness of course. Besides I can't even hide it from them.

They were my real friends,they still are and will forever be. To me they are more precious than a rose,glorious and beautiful and with each day they grow more beautiful. Our friendship is like the relationship between hand and the eyes,when hands get hurts - eyes cry,and when eyes cry - hands wipe away the tears. It's simply been there for each other,for one another during turbulent and jubilant times.
People like that are called friends and Alhamdulillah I have them in my life..
Their visit brought me back to reality, all I wanted was to smile genuinely once again.

Yes,I was hurt..he hurt me but it was his lost.

So I got dressed up and came down the stairs,something I hardly do this past days. I was always in the room,either praying to Allah or sleeping. Immediately I start thinking and pondering in the past, I will just go and perform the ablution, pray or read Qur'an. Those two were my pills,the pills that healed me all.
They fixed me although I would never be the same as before.
I'm nothing but a bunch of picked up broken pieces
I went down,nobody from the family was there. But the maids were moving here and there arranging the dinning table. I decided to help so I went into the kitchen.

"Who I'm I seeing?" First Luv asked when she saw me in the kitchen whilst I was trying to move one of the meals to the table. I smiled at her

"Alhamdulillah,so you've finally snapped out of it,that's great my daughter" She said and i smiled once again.

"Let's have dinner,I'm hungry" I pouted and just in time my eyes got locked in his,Handsome. He was sauntering down the stairs,he looked surprised..probably because I came down today.
I averted my gaze away from him but each time I looked up, he was still staring. I ignored his whole existence and sat on the chair.
After we were done,we moved to the lounge which is down the hallway.

"So what's your next plan" First Luv asked

"Everything stays the same,nothing is going to change" I said not daring to look up and see their now profound expressions.

"What?" They both asked at the same time,in unison.

"Yah'all chill,I'm talking about my life activities not Kamal. Who even care about him and his existence anymore?" I hissed memories of him flashing in my mind. My whole demeanor suddenly changed.

They all sighed when I said so,like they are relieved but why is that?

"So now what's next?" She asked again. Why is she asking me same question again or is there a particular answer she wants to hear from me?

"Don't worry. Up and doing just like before. The next step I'm taking is loving myself,pamper my own self. Do what I like and cherish my own existence more than anyone could ever do. And then also,change some peoples lives. So just watch as all of these happen" I smiled

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