Reclaiming my life🥺❤️

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Despite the pain I had endured, I made a determined effort to carry on with my daily activities. I resumed attending school, throwing myself into my studies and extracurricular activities as if the horrors of my past had never occurred. It was my way of coping, of pushing the memories to the darkest corners of my mind.

Weeks turned into months, it was two month already And I had become adept at suppressing the occasional intrusive thoughts of the man who had caused me so much suffering. Life moved forward, and I, too, was determined to move on with or without him.

One fateful day, upon returning home from school, I was met with an unsettling surprise. He stood at the door, back from his work trip, with a woman by his side. His demeanor was infuriatingly indifferent, as though he didn't even recognize me. It was a cruel twist to our twisted relationship.

In front of the stranger, he arrogantly ordered me around, his words laced with condescension. But I had discovered a newfound strength within me, a determination to no longer bend to his will, to never let him dominate me again.

Despite the fear that still occasionally gripped my heart, I stood my ground. I refused to be a pawn in his game any longer.

Throughout this painful reunion, he didn't utter a single word to me about the torment he had inflicted upon me before he left. He didn't even acknowledge my existence beyond the practicalities of daily life.

"Handsome take that whore out of my home" I bawled at him for I can't endure looking at her for another second.

"Take her out if you can" he only said taking tentative steps up the stairs.What Is he thinking of himself ? It was my mistake that I gave him the assurance that I won't tell anything about him to his mother. I shouldn't have let him know that weakness,I shouldn't have shown that I love his mother way too much to endure his pain for.

"Tsk tsk tsk,you think he would let me go despite the joy I give him." She looked at me with a mocking grin and said
"Oh, you must be the wife my dear sweet doesn't love." Her laughter cut through me like a knife.

Fueled by hurt and anger, I couldn't hold back my retort. "Well, at least I'm not the one he has to bring around to feel important," I shot back, my words laced with bitterness. It was a cutting remark, and I could see the shock in her eyes.

"You are his wife but I give him what you don't. Mind bringing our lunch upstairs please"
I controlled the urge to slap the hell out of her,knowing well that I shouldn't waste my time talking on a filthy whore I pushed her before me and she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Shortly after, he walked in on our exchange of hurtful words, and to my disbelief, he sided with the woman. His words were like a betrayal, a confirmation that I meant nothing to him. The pain was unbearable, a reminder that I was still trapped in this nightmare.

Sulking in my room, I couldn't shake the feeling that I would never be his wife again, that the little love I thought we had once shared was nothing more than a distant memory. The weight of loneliness and despair settled upon my heart, and I wondered if I would ever find a way out of this painful and twisted situation.

I knew my journey towards healing and self-discovery was far from over. The scars of my past still lingered, but in that moment, I had taken back a measure of control over my life. I was no longer willing to be a victim, no longer willing to let him define my worth.
Now despite all my determination to move forward, life took an unexpected and unwelcome turn.

In the midst of the tense atmosphere at home, he took every opportunity to assert his dominance over me, his words cruel and degrading.

One evening, he barked, "Make dinner, and make it fast. Don't mess it up like you mess up everything else." His voice dripped with contempt, as though he relished every moment of my suffering.

A twist  of  hatred Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora