Love her guts!

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I was warned to be coming to school early but I won't do as they want.
As a prefect and also the Headboy I suppose to be coming as early as possible but some times I just come late,although I never missed an assembly intentionally .
Right now I want to be present before the assembly commence so that I can punish her unnecessarily.

I dashed out of the lifter and went to the dinning room. We a're still not on talking terms with First Luv and all thanks to that idiotic beign.
I miss my mother's presence,if we were in good terms she would have been the one here to feed me.
First Luv is doing this deliberately,because she knows that I can't withstand her absence. It's true I honestly can't, I will just apologise to her today and let the girl stay. She will run away with her own legs when she is sick and tired of the suffering.
The maid served me the break fast which was cinnamon pancakes with honey,earl grey tea and a tiramisu as desert.
No doubt about it my mom was the cook.
I sighed, at least she's not that upset with ,since she even cooked breakfast for me
After munching on my breakfast I went to First luv' s room to say hi. I can't leave for school without seeing her even though I greeted her when I came back from the mosque.

"Assalamu alaikum "I salaamed in a low tone standing by the mahogany door.

"Waalaikumus salaam" I heared her voice from the room.

Without a second thought I pushed the door knob and I was greeted with the smell of  aromatic oud incense. My First luv is a good fan of perfumes, she is always smelling nice and endearing.

I met her laying on a lounge with a maid massaging her temples. The maid silently greeted me and walked out avoiding eye contact with me. Here,it's an abomination for a maid to look into my eyes.I hate it when people who aren't worth it look into my eyes.
The expression on her face was a blank one but I could sense it,no matter how she tried to mask her emotions that she is still upset with me.
A small and gentle smile etched on her lips as she swung her eyes open ,I smiled back at her and snuggle my body into her warmth embrace. I missed her warmness.
I cleared my throat for the umpteenth time before parting my lips to speak.

"I am sorry for beign ridiculously unreasonable First luv,I shouldn't have left without understanding you. I'm really sorry ,the girl can stay till eternity ,if that's what you want." I mustered out in one breath not wanting to be cut off. Deep down I know what I am insinuating and I will never let her live in piece for this is my palace where I'm in control .

" It's alright Handsome ,I am glad you finally understood my points and promise me that you won't hurt her " she said side hugging me and I gasped at the mentioned word 'hurt'
Well I can't promise her that and if she insist I made the promise then I will make a false one, a promise I can't fulfill.

"Well I gotta go, I love you" I said placing a cool peck on her cheek ignoring her pinky finger which she brought forward.

"I love you more"she said and I frowned.

"I love you hundredth times"I replied resting my head on her shoulder

"I love you a thousandth times"

"I love you a millionth times"

"And I love you till infinity" she said smiling at me ,the victory was hers.

"This is not fair ,but next time I will be the winner"I pouted receiving a playfull glare from my mother, My First luv, my life and also my happiness.

"Oya get going the door is to your right " she said pointing at the designed mahogany door.
I clutched unto my chest feigning hurt trying not to squeeze my screaming white uniform.

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