I love this guy ☺️

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I decided to clean the room while he's at the mosque so I walked to his apartment.
Surprisingly he was still in bed,I didn't attempt to wake him up. I did my job and when I was about to leave,he woke up and yawned.

"Even the prayer someone will not do it on time " I found myself saying and he walked back closer to me.

"What did you just say?" He asked

"You heard me" I said dismissively

"What if I don't" He said holding his hands against his chest.

"Then congratulations for I won't be repeating myself"

"Hell! What do you take your freakin self for.."

"A human being that breaths in same air as you" I said looking at him not blinking for once.

He grabbed my wrist and twisted it. Tears lingered in my eye lids but I didn't let them fall. Inwardly,I was seething.
He twisted it harder,I only yelped but never cried...His resentment growing inside me like a tumor. Fury was surging through me.

"Stop pretending to be a mensch,you will never be one Handsome." I muffled out through gritted teeth although I was in so much pain .

He loosened me,gritting his teeth as well as clenching and unclenching his fist trying to control his temper.
I laughed at the sight of him hitting back his anger. Rage seared through him but he kept it under control.

"First luv would regret bringing you into this world once she gets to know who you really are" I said and he immediately turned before he fiercely pinned me to the wall frustratingly,vortex of fear swirled inside me.
He punched my face and it immediately swelled up. Blood oozed out of my nose and I was losing it.
He didn't stop that instance but he went ahead to push me until I lost balance and fell to the floor with a loud thud. His resentment blossomed within me

When he was out of sight,I cried out my heart for I'm in so much pain,I hate myself for being weak,for not being strong to fight back.
I stood up and dragged myself to my room,I perched myself at the end of the bed shedding tears of agony.
Minutes later, First luv walked in and when she sighted me she quickly increased her pace.

"Subhanallah, Beauty nah what's wrong what happened?" She kept on asking scrutinizing my whole body.

For once I didn't felt like telling her the truth. If I'm to tell her what really happened I have to go back to the past,and I'm not ready for that. Honestly I'm afraid she won't believe me for she trust her son more than anyone in this life.
She may believe me at first but once he denied it,I'm sure she's going to take his side. That's why I have to gather evidences so as to avoid any denial and suspicion.
So right now when she looked at me waiting for an answer,I let out a lie come out of me.

"I slipped off in the bathroom"

"Subhanallahi sorry my dear" she said calling the ambulance
She mistakenly pushed my hand and I yelped,it was really painful.

"I think I've gotten another fracture again" I said and bursted out crying.

"Don't worry it shall be well my dear bi iznillah" She said and patted my shoulder

When I was wheeled out by a nurse,my head was ducked down but I could feel his presence,his scent is not something I would ever forget.
I marinated in resentment,I hate him..I freakin hate him.
One thing for sure is,I will make First Luv loath him..that's a promise

After an ex-ray of my hand was taken the radiographer found out that it was just a sprain and not a fracture. I was very relieved and I was curious as to why  Handsome also looked relieved. They treated the hand and put a cast on it.
I was always treating my nose with ice and in a very small time I was all healed.
First luv told me to stop cleaning his apartment but I insisted on doing so.
I have to have access to his apartment for me to get clues and evidences.
And I won't let him take advantage of me ever again..

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