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"May God direct him to the right path" I said indirectly telling him that I've seen what he's watching. My message reached him and he immediately pressed the switch button.

"Hajiya Umma is calling you"  I said and turned to leave. He hissed and tucked his phone in his pocket walking beside me.
I strutted further into the parlor before resting my head on Hajiya Umma's thighs. Whenever she comes here or I go there she's always my pillow. Sometimes she  calls me cat because of how I like clinging to people's bodies.

"Toh yar nema"  she said immediately I propped my head on her laps. She's so friendly and she got a charming smile. That everyone around a her tends to love her so much.
He came and sat beside her teasing her while doing so. She laughed as they exchange pleasantries and banters.
I just smiled,she will soon start embarrassing him.

"So after the marriage start your own family immediately please" I chuckled,she have started just as I expected.
He immediately started rubbing his occiput with his palm.

"Ah toh I want to see my grandchildren moving around the house as soon as possible . Don't waste anytime you heard me right?"

And he nodded his head sheepishly.
My eyes were closed and I acted like I wasn't there,I myself was embarrassed tackless of him.

"Ummah where's Fawwaz?" First luv asked probably changing the topic because of how uncomfortable it made us.


"Oh Fawwaz,he's the one who brought me here . Yazid you've abandoned your friend right ,hmm. He's always talking about you at home,ever since you guys had that fight. The fight we don't even know what initiated it and what it's about. I seriously don't like how you guys don't talk to each other but I just hope you sort out your differences soon"

"No not at all. We used to do salaam so we aren't on terms of gaba" I quickly said

That Fawwaz guy,her son had been my best buddy since childhood. But when he tried to become an obstacle in my life I ditched him. Since that particular day we parted..


"Zeed you know how I love and care for you so much. You are more than just a best friend to me you are my brother. I can't just see you doing something bad,leading your life astray and fold my hands.. nah I can't do that.
I'm just tryna point it out to you that those circle of people you called friends are not good friends at all. They are just leading you on the wrong path. It's really pissing me off to see.."

"Don't you dare try to preach me. And don't ever say such things about my friends cause I wont ever spare you!" I bawled cutting him short.

"I'm not trying to blackmail your friends,I'm just figuring out the fact! They aren't good companions wallah. You are just in SS 1 but you've already started taking alcohol for goodness sake. That's so outrageous,what kind of life are you driving yourself into? It pains me to see you like that" he said crying,tears rolling down his eyes.
At that moment I could see how true he is,how he genuinely cared for me but I was blinded. I didn't acknowledge any of his words.

"Toh hypocrite,maybe you've told your mother about it already so that she'll come and divulge it to First luv koh?" I accused him and he immediately nodded sideways.

"Of all people,why will I do that to you! You are my best guy. I'll never do something like that to you. And by the way when a Muslim brother is doing something bad you don't suppose to go around telling people. What's advisable is what I'm doing now. I'm not a scandalmonger"

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