Once again..shattered!

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Have a great time reading 😚

Beauty's POV

He tilted my neck before placing his lips on it sending electricity with full currents down my spine. I gasped at the touch of his cold ,soft lips on my collarbone.

No this is wrong!
I shouldn't let him do this!

Push him!

And then I listened to the voice shouting in my head scolding me not to get lost in the clusters of desire! And within a second I pushed him so hard..away from my body.
His eyes were bloodshed red,filled with so much rage and desire.
Fact is I'm drop dead scared!
His whole body was shivering,the veins in his hand popped out and he furiously pinned me to the bed board,his nails dipping into my neck.
I was losing my breath,hot tears kept on rolling down my cheeks. My breath stopped the moment he placed his lips on my trembling ones.
The definition of what he was doing is nothing but pure wickedness,my lips were literally on fire. He was kissing and bitting me so hard and painful that blood was dripping from my lips. I couldn't move,he had dominated the whole me.

Holding my hands and whole body in control,I was just waiting for the expected. Cause at this moment I know he won't stop without doing what he intended to do. I wailed,I cried,I begged him...but still what?

He was moving further stripping me from the little respect I'm left with...
Seconds later his bare hands became in contact with my bare fragile and poor body..

Ya Allah what do I have left??
Handsome...he left me with nothing!

But before all that became a reality,before he snatched my little dignity the door to my room swung open. The next second his groaning and moaning all stopped,the sound that reached my ear was not that of disgust as his is,it was the sound of a resounding slap.

Yes she slapped him..that second his hands left my body. I dragged the duvet up to cover my almost nude body.
She kept on bitting him with her bare hands and letting out cries at the same time,he couldn't move,he was thunder stricken.

I was glad,so happy that at that moment Allah sent my mom as my savior.
Yes my mom!

Aunt Saf!

I was crying,so hard..I was sexually assaulted by the man I'm soon going to marry. What's more sad and devastating than this?

Why is my life always in a turmoil..

Is it that I don't deserve happiness?
From this to that..things just kept happening to me.

Ya Allah I thank you..see me through all this hurdles!

Somehow it just happened that my trip was postponed,one thing I know for certain is that Aunt Saf pulled up the strings. After that unfaithful event, Handsome changed he's been avoiding me for days now which I'm so glad of. We had a talk with Aunt Saf so here I am still going to be his wife.
What a tragedy!
Life goes on, Aunt saf has helped me see the world in a different way,from a different perspective. I'm not gonna let anything tamper with my future,I won't take anything to my heart. My heart is fragile I don't wanna hurt it with something like a cardiac arrest. So I had to chose from depression and facing reality.

And I chose to face my reality,I can't be depressed every time something happens to me. That way my life will be totally wasted while the devil himself got nothing to lose.
Yes..the almost rape case is still at the back of my head,it's now difficult to sleep at night. But still despite all the nightmares I'm ready to fight with my own self,fight for my right. I,myself needs me!
That's why I'm standing on my feet smiling like I got nothing to worry about,I deserve to be happy..and that happiness I'm not gonna sacrifice it to anyone.

A twist  of  hatred Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora