Journey of hearts👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

94 8 4


San Francisco

Frustration colored my thoughts as I hissed again, trapped in the outhouse he had locked me in. He had left for business earlier, audaciously confining me here.

The air was stifling, leaving me with only one recourse: scrolling endlessly through instagram reels until fatigue finally arrived. With nothing left to engage me, I decided to refresh with a shower, change into my nightwear, and snuggle into the duvet. From my vantage point, the night sky was visible through the slightly parted curtains, moonlight casting a delicate glow.

Looking at the night sky,slumber embraced me, and I surrendered to the night's embrace.

I swung my eyes open,hues of the early morning rays peeking through the already opened window. I smiled,sure I had really enjoyed my sleep. The warmth felt so extraordinary.Unaware of his firm grip, I tried to rise but found his arms wrapped around me.

Cursing under my breath, I freed myself, perturbed by how he exploited my deep sleep.
How he took advantage of my being a really deep sleeper remains disturbing.
Despite all that had transpired, he dared to hold me while he slumbered, shameless as ever. My heart burned with resentment, and I pushed his hand away decisively.

Hissing,I took quite steps towards the bathroom. I performed ablution and then came out to pray Subh prayer. Once I stepped out I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. His head buried in between his two palms. Loudly hissing I walked past him to the prayer mat I had kept on the bedside console.

Seated at the dining chair, I immersed myself in my phone, fingers dancing across the screen. Suddenly, the familiar ringtone pierced the air, and I swiftly picked up with a smile that graced my face. It was First Luv on the line, my second mother, her voice a soothing balm to my soul.

"Hello, my dear," she greeted, her voice carrying a warmth that instantly put me at ease.

"Hi, First Luv!" I replied, a genuine excitement in my voice. "How have you been?"

"Oh, you know, keeping busy as always," she chuckled. "But I had to call and check up on my most favorite and beautiful girl"

I laughed softly. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

We shared a comfortable silence, a testament to the bond we had nurtured over the years. It was a connection that extended beyond the label of in-laws, grounded in mutual respect and affection. I honestly don't see her as my in law but as a mother for that's what she is.

"Tell me, how's your trip going?" First Luv inquired, her tone brimming with genuine interest.

"It's been quite an adventure," I replied, recounting some of the places we had explored. "San Francisco is beautiful, and we've managed to find some moments of camaraderie amidst the occasional coldness."

First Luv's laughter tinkled through the phone. "Ah, young love. It has its own peculiar dance, doesn't it?"

"It certainly does," I agreed, smiling wistfully as I thought of Handsome. "But we're making memories, and that's what matters."

Really sad and heartbreaking memories!

"Remember, my dear, relationships are like gardens. They need both sunshine and rain to flourish," she offered sagely.

"Thank you, First Luv. Your wisdom is always appreciated."

"Of course, my sweet. Now, tell me, have you been taking care of yourself? Are you eating well?"

Her concern touched me, reminding me of the deep bond we shared. We continued to chat, exchanging stories and laughter, and for a while, the miles that separated us seemed insignificant.

A twist  of  hatred Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant